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in New York, children must be vaccinated to go to restaurants or play school sports

When the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the injection of Pfizer’s vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 on October 29, the French high school in New York played it safe. The management of the establishment invoked good hygiene measures inside the school and the low rate of contamination in the city, to explain that it “Delay[ait] for the moment the Covid-19 vaccination obligation for this age group ”. Before announcing, on November 23, that the full vaccination would be mandatory when returning from the winter holidays, on February 28, 2022.

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The method, gradual but firm, gives everyone time to turn around. And the appearance of the Omicron variant has helped to lift reluctance. “We left enough time for parents to speak with their pediatrician, says Evelyne Estey, director of the establishment. The question of hesitation over vaccines is real. Giving parents time to think and information helps. “

“Bold measures”

New York City Hall follows a close path. The vaccine is not compulsory for children in schools, but, since Tuesday, December 14, they must present at least one vaccine dose to enter closed places (shows, restaurants, sports halls) and participate in extracurricular activities considered at risk such as sports, dancing or music. In the city, where vaccination centers open to children have been deployed, the results are correct: 31% of 5-11 year olds having received at least one dose, 19% received two doses.

Read the decryption: Should children under 12 be vaccinated? Update on what we know about the benefits and risks

Side controls, there is not a single pass. Children can choose to show their federal immunization card or electronic passes created by the city, New York State, or Clear Company. These measures are accompanied by a complete vaccination obligation for 12-17 year olds from December 27, as well as for private sector employees.

“New York City will not give up an inch in the fight against Covid-19. Vaccination is the way out of this pandemic. These are bold steps, the first of their kind in the country ”, assured Bill de Blasio. The mayor, who ends his term on December 31, is increasingly proactive on the subject, while his successor, Democrat Eric Adams, leaves doubt on whether or not these coercive measures will be maintained. For now, those who have sued the decisions of the New York City councilor have lost, the Supreme Court having notably rejected the request of some caregivers who wanted to invoke their religious beliefs so as not to be vaccinated.

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