Lare beans of anger. We could easily nickname canned food Goya Foods, particularly appreciated by the Latin American community, so much they are unleashing passions in the United States at the moment. It all started on Thursday July 9 when the grandson of the brand’s founder and CEO, Robert “Bob” Unanue, showed his support for Donald Trump from the White House. “We are all blessed to have a leader like Donald Trump”, he declares: “He is an admirable builder”. The phrase instantly caused uproar on social media.
#BuyGoya or #BoycottGoya, the “pros” and “cons” are affirmed online
Goya has conquered America and generates annual sales of $ 1.5 billion. But the recent support shown at 45e President of the United States could affect the results of the number one in the market. In the Hispanic community, Goya’s primary target, a few defend the brand well, with tweets including the keyword #BuyGoya (#BuyGoya).
@PortFOBlife Latinos say Hell NO to Socialism! NO to Biden. Yes to Trump- Yes to FREEDOM !!!! # Trump2020 # Trump2020 #BuyGoya #BuyGoya
– KneelDont (@DontKneel)
“Latinos say a big NO to socialism! NO to Biden. Yes to Trump. Yes to FREEDOM! “
But the American president does not benefit from a very good opinion among all the Americans of Hispanic origin, fault in particular for his migration policy and his assertions on the Mexican immigrants – ” [Ils vont] bring drugs. They bring crime. They are rapists », He had declared during the presidential campaign of 2016. Many therefore call for the boycott of the brand with the hashtag #BoycottGoya (or #Goyaway, pun with “Go away”, ” go away “).
Keep it going! #BoycottGoya #Goyaway
– mrsljoubert (@
surfing blue wave
“My supermarket is running out of beans. There are only Goya left, no one is buying them! “; “Carry on! “
The boycott crossed American borders and Latin communities across America joined the movement.
@ Jezus808 @GoyaFoods Absolutely! My whole family supported Goya and will no longer do so. This extends beyond the U…
– diana_friday (@tgi_difriday)
(” My Latin family has supported you for as long as I can remember. We bought products from you at the corner store long before you went on sale in supermarkets. Is that how you thank us? I have never felt so betrayed by a brand in my life. You approve of our own oppression. ”
“Absolutely! My whole family has supported Goya and we won’t. It goes beyond the United States. I live in Canada and my entire family and Latin friends will no longer use their products. It’s a slap in the face ”.
Robert Unanue refused to apologize and claimed on FoxNews that the #BoycottGoya movement was an attempt to undermine “His freedom of expression”.
The vote of the Latin American community, an electoral issue
“A single brand of canned food tells a better story of America about to vote than any geopolitical analysis,” remarks this Monday the journalist Anthony Bellanger on France Inter. The split caused by the affair reveals an electoral issue: the vote of Latin Americans during the next American presidential election. This strong reaction could have serious consequences for Trump, who is a candidate for re-election.
While he only collects between 5% and 10% favorable opinions among the African American population, 25% of Latinos support him. However, Latin Americans represent 18% of the American population, a significant number in the run-up to an election. They are numerous in the southern states like Arizona, Nevada or Florida, known to be “Swing states”, States which are not traditionally acquired by Democrats or Republicans, and whose electorate can “switch” (swing) edge to edge at each election.
Hoping to garner the approval of this community, the relatives of the President of the United States are now posted on social networks, tin can in hand. Like her daughter and advisor, Ivanka Trump, who rekindled the controversy with a Tweet using the slogan of Goya Foods, on July 15:
If it’s Goya, it has to be good. Si es Goya, tiene que ser bueno.
– IvankaTrump (@Ivanka Trump)
“If it’s Goya, it’s good. “
Donald Trump himself posted a photograph on Instagram on Wednesday featuring him, behind the Oval Office, surrounded by Goya products.
Earlier today, he tweeted, about the brand’s sales: “The campaign to smear the radical left has backfired, people are buying in droves! ” On the opposition side, Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez clarified in an ironic Tweet that she was now looking to prepare her own adobo (marinade that season Puerto Rican cuisine) without having to go through the Goya brand.
Oh look, it’s the sound of me Googling “how to make your own Adobo”
– AOC (@Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)
“Oh look, this is the sound I make when I type on Google hasdobo. “