Facing Mike Pence, Kamala Harris overcomes the ordeal of the vice-presidential candidate debate

The US presidential campaign found more familiar shores on Wednesday, October 7. A week after the chaos of the first debate, torpedoed by the incessant and aggressive interruptions of Donald Trump, the face-to-face between Vice President Mike Pence and Joe Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris, senator from California, has unfolded according to the codes of the genre.

The two candidates thus regularly avoided answering specific questions from the moderator, Susan Page, the head of the Washington office of the national daily. USA Today, quickly falling back on formulas clearly prepared in advance. The atmosphere was so courteous that a fly was able to land briefly on the vice-president’s white hair without being disturbed, immediately sparking a torrent of ironic comments on social networks, and the publication by the Democratic camp of ‘an appeal for donations showing a Joe Biden armed with an insect swatter.

The fly that landed on Vice President Mike Pence's head during the debate drew plenty of comments on social media.

During the debate which had opposed him in 2016 to Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Mike Pence had imposed himself by his ability to express conservative convictions with an authenticity that is difficult to contest. Once again, he reassured the voters of the “Grand Old Party” (GOP) by presenting itself as the guarantor of what remains of its pillars after four years of Trumpism, in particular the objective of tax cuts.

Read also US elections: relive the entire debate for the vice-presidency between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence

Mike Pence practices avoidance on Covid-19

He opposed them the plans for an increase assumed by the Democratic “ticket”, by trying to instill doubt on the commitment made by Joe Biden that they will not concern the middle class. The vice-president has certainly rekindled the flame of the religious right by defending the conservative judge chosen by Donald Trump to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett, who wears his faith in saltire, or by accusing the senator of supporting “Late abortion” reimbursed “By the taxpayer”.

Susan Page, Washington bureau chief for USA Today, moderated a much more courteous debate between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence.

Mike Pence knew he would have a lot to do to convince his fellow citizens about the management of the health crisis caused by the Covid-19. It was illustrated on the stage at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, which hosted the two candidates, by a double wall of Plexiglas installed at the request of the Democrat. It is undoubtedly on this subject, the first mentioned on Wednesday, that the vice-president practiced avoidance with the most consistency, for lack of alternative.

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