Donald Trump sacks election security official Christopher Krebs

Christopher Krebs, Federal Election Security Officer, speaks to the US Congress on May 22, 2019.

Donald Trump persists in contesting his defeat in the US presidential election. The outgoing president announced Tuesday, November 17, to dismiss the boss of the government agency in charge of electoral security (CISA), Christopher Krebs, who disputed the accusations made by the president of fraud “Massive” in the presidential election.

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“Chris Krebs’ recent statement on the security of the 2020 elections was very inaccurate, as there were massive irregularities and fraud”, wrote the outgoing president in a tweet. “This is why Chris Krebs was removed from his post as director of the cybersecurity and infrastructure security agency, effective immediately. “

This dismissal was expected. “It was an honor to serve”, replied Mr. Krebs in a tweet with the hashtag # Protéger2020.

“The safest election in the history of the United States”

The agency called CISA has been trying in recent days to reject accusations of large-scale electoral fraud. “There is no evidence of a voting system having erased, lost or changed ballots, or having been hacked in any way”, she underlined in a statement, alongside other American agencies responsible for election security.

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“The November 3 election was the safest in the history of the United States”, they still assured.

The president’s announcement was immediately denounced by the Democratic opposition, which calls for speeding up the transition process. “It is pathetic, but sadly predictable, that the maintenance and protection of our democratic processes is a cause of dismissal”, denounced the Democratic leader of the powerful intelligence committee of the House of Representatives, Adam Schiff. Former presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren, for her part, called the dismissal of” abuse of power “ by a president “Weak and desperate” which relays “Conspiracy theories”.

Appeals rejected by the courts

While a handful of elected Republican Congressmen quickly recognized the Democrat’s victory, many others have remained silent or have publicly supported the baseless accusations made by Donald Trump.

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In the absence of any evidence supporting the hypothesis of massive electoral fraud, most of the outgoing president’s appeals were dismissed by the courts. As in a parallel reality, his most faithful ministers and advisers nevertheless ensure that the ground is being prepared for “A second Trump term”. And the supporters of the president, a tide of red caps “Make America Great Again”, with whom Donald Trump continued to surround himself in the last hours of his campaign, continue to be bombarded with requests for financial participation for “Defend the election”.

Opposite, Joe Biden continues his preparations for his future mandate. The former Democratic vice-president on Tuesday appointed around ten members of his campaign team, half of them women and an influential black elected official, to surround him at the White House, where he will take office on January 20, 2021.

The World with AFP


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