Donald Trump becomes warlord against coronavirus

President Donald Trump arrives in the White House press room for the daily COVID-19 briefing on March 21.
President Donald Trump arrives in the White House press room for the daily COVID-19 briefing on March 21. JIM WATSON / AFP

A " wartime president Now sits in the Oval office. After much delay in acknowledging the severity of the coronavirus epidemic, ensuring for a long time that the disease would go away and by April (February 14), " like a miracle "(February 27), that everything was" under control Donald Trump made a complete turnaround (March 15).

Soaring cases of infection (more than 32,500 as of March 22) and deaths attributed to the virus (413 on the same date) left the President of the United States with little alternative. Especially since the progression of the disease and the multiplication of precautionary measures have been accompanied by the sudden shutdown of a good part of the American economy. It caused the stock market to collapse, wiping out the gains accumulated since the billionaire’s arrival in the White House, which was one of his favorite metrics to take stock of his tenure. The unemployment rate, which was another, should also start to rise sharply in the coming days.

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Donald Trump is now omnipresent in almost daily briefings held in the White House press room, where only a limited number of accredited journalists whose temperature is checked beforehand is admitted. These press briefings, which generally stretch beyond the hour, stage a president in action against " an invisible enemy Surrounded by seasoned professionals, starting with the director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci, 79. This expert who has already worked with five successive presidents has become the metronome of the health crisis.

Going through reality TV, Donald Trump never tires of putting forward the team set up to organize the response and which is officially led by his vice-president, Mike Pence. " We have created new stars ", He had fun on March 14, a title that applies to Anthony Fauci, but also to the coordinator Deborah Birx, doctor and diplomat who worked in the past in the administration of Barack Obama, a rarity at era of Donald Trump. Or Jerome Adams, a mandatory of Mike Pence, now a public health administrator (general sucker) the United States.

Country awareness

This omnipresence, the mobilization of the federal state and the private sector and the adoption of the first measures to support the economy by the Congress have so far resulted in a shift of public opinion in favor of the president. According to an Ipsos poll carried out on March 18 and 19 for the ABC channel, 55% of those questioned now judge positively the action of Donald Trump against the virus whereas they were only 43% to do it a week longer early.


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