"What is France waiting for to repatriate the children and their mothers detained in Syrian Kurdistan? "

According to Jean-Yves Le Drian, it would be risky for state personnel to pick up minors and their mothers from the Syrian Kurdistan camps. "A fable", three lawyers of concerned families rise up in a tribune to the "World".

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In Al-Hol camp, Syrian Kurdistan, 23 July.
In Al-Hol camp, Syrian Kurdistan, 23 July. DELIL SOULEIMAN / AFP

TheSeptember 16, the newspaper The world revealed that several French families whose children and grandchildren were detained in IDP camps in Syrian Kurdistan had lodged a complaint with the Court of Justice of the Republic (CJR) against Jean-Yves Le Drian, foreign minister, the chief of of"Failure to help"

Three days later, the minister said: "It is very difficult to repatriate children, I say to lawyers, it is necessary to negotiate each time. When we brought back the seventeen people (orphans or unaccompanied minors repatriated in recent months)we took some of the staff there, they had trouble, they even risked their lives to repatriate those children. "

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also Grandparents of French children detained in Syria file lawsuit against Jean-Yves Le Drian

The offense of "failure to provide assistance", provided for and punishable under Article 223-6 of the Penal Code, is constituted when a litigant voluntarily refrains from bringing to a person in danger the assistance which, without risk for him or for third parties, he could lend him either by his personal action, or by provoking a help.

And we understand better, reading this article, why Mr. Le Drian tries to make believe that his colleagues "risk their lives" by repatriating these children. But who would threaten them? Who would attack their lives in Syrian Kurdistan by preventing their plan to save children? Kurds?

"They are your fellow citizens, they have French passports. We must assume. Russia has taken over almost all its prisoners ", Abdulbasset Ausso, leader of the Kurdish judiciary

Let us recall to this day that the United States, Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan have repatriated or repatriated progressively all their nationals who are adults and minors, that Kosovo has repatriated without difficulty any 74 children, 32 women and four men, and that Uzbekistan repatriated 148 women and children without further difficulty.

Let us also recall that the Kurdish local authorities publicly denounced the French government's reluctance to repatriate its nationals in the person of Abdulbasset Ausso, leader of the Kurdish judiciary, in these terms: "It can not last forever, we do not have enough room. And they cost us dearly! Their food, their care … We must take care of it. And if we judge them, some will be sentenced to one year in prison. After, where do I drop them? They are your fellow citizens, they have French passports. We must assume. Russia has taken over almost all its prisoners, including those who fought. "


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