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“The sinking of Lebanon is much more than that of a country”

Grandstand. From one war, from one sham to another, Lebanon has served everyone and everything. It is now in such bad shape that its predators – inside and out – have only one gesture to make to offer themselves the remains. Maybe dismember it.

The degree of manipulation and indecency of the ruling political class has managed the feat of giving birth to an almost perfect bankruptcy. Dirty stupidity or demonic intelligence? Both, for the same result. The human wealth of this country – its community plurality – was confiscated, misappropriated by the heads of clans who, all without exception, worked to transform differences into divisions, to replace the state with scam. For this network of political enemies with united interests, it was a question of maintaining disagreements in order to cover themselves; simultaneously ensure their political survival and their financial interests. All with impunity. Without the ounce of inhibition, without the slightest account to report. By weakening the judiciary to better escape it. Self-proclaimed owners of their respective communities, these former warlords killed two birds with one stone: they prevented the people from uniting and prevented the state from serving them.

Read also Lebanon, a nation in distress

They will tell you that part of their money is used today to give money to the poor, to the members of their communities. This shows the degree of moral and financial begging that they will have favored to stay in place. It will be rightly argued that there are among them more dangerous, more armed than others. Hezbollah is one presence undoubtedly more threatening than another for the balance of the country. The fact remains that faced with the Islamist, pro-Iranian vision of this party organized as a sect, the contenders for another vision have, in the end, claimed only to themselves.

The abolition of color

The history of foreign interference in the history of Lebanon is an anthology. Let us say in a few words what others, better informed than me, analyze very finely: at this time, multi-community construction no longer suits anyone. Yet it is – this is the great paradox – that which, if it had been allowed to succeed, could have served as a model for the whole region and many other countries; knowing that mixing and managing differences is one of the great challenges facing the rest of the world.

“It is the victory of the mass against difference, of the tribe against the person, of phobia against life”

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