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Iran Blames Israel for ‘Act of Terrorism’ at Natanz Nuclear Site

An act of sabotage caused a power failure at the uranium enrichment plant of the Natanz nuclear complex (center) on Sunday, April 11 in the morning, announced the Iranian authorities, who attributed this act to ” anti-nuclear terrorism “ to Israel. “With this action, the Zionist regime of course tried to take revenge on the Iranian people for the patience and wisdom they have shown. [en attendant] the lifting of sanctions “ Americans, Iranian foreign spokesman Said Khatibzadeh said at a press conference in Tehran on Monday. Mr. Khatibzadeh thus accused Israel of wanting to scuttle the discussions underway in Vienna between Tehran and Washington to resuscitate the Iranian nuclear agreement of 2015.

The director of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization (OIEA), Ali Akbar Salehi, on Sunday called on the international community and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to “To face this anti-nuclear terrorism”, without providing details of the nature of the attack – which he described as “Futile” – nor on the extent of the damage caused. On Monday, the spokesman for Iranian diplomacy estimated that it is still ” too early “ to determine the property damage caused by the attack. “We must inspect each of the centrifuges to give an assessment of the damage”Said Khatibzadeh said. ” Yes [l’attaque] was aimed at limiting Iran’s nuclear capacity, I would say on the other hand, that all the centrifuges that [ont été endommagées] were of the IR-1 type “, that is to say of “first generation”, he added, promising that “Iran’s response will be revenge against the Zionist regime at the right time and place”.

Several months to restart

Israeli and US media claim the attack was carried out by Mossad and may have caused extensive damage. According to the Israeli public broadcaster, which quotes intelligence sources, it was a cyberattack carried out by the Mossad. Israeli channel 13 describes an explosive charge placed directly on the site; its military expert, Alon Ben David, citing Western sources, asserts that the attack ” causes Iran to lose its capacity to enrich uranium in this facility, which contains around 7,000 centrifuges “.

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