In retaliation for rocket fire, Israel strikes Hamas targets in Gaza

The Israeli army announced on Saturday that it had hit "many Hamas terrorist targets". A Palestinian was killed during one of these bombings.

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In retaliation for firing rockets at Israel on Friday, Israel struck dozens of targets in the Gaza Strip on Saturday morning, November 2. Israeli army confirmed to have touched "Many Hamas terrorist targets across the Gaza Strip", including a naval site, a military complex, an arms factory, and "Underground infrastructure".

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A 27-year-old Palestinian was killed and at least two people were injured during the bombings, the Ministry of Health in Gaza reported early Saturday morning. A Hamas source said the Islamist movement opened fire on an Israeli plane carrying strikes. The sound of explosions has been heard throughout the Gaza Strip, according to a correspondent of Agence France-Presse (AFP).

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Friday night, after the start of Shabbat, a dozen rockets were launched to the Israeli city of Sderot, bordering the Gaza Strip, the second incident of its kind in two nights, after about six weeks of calm. The Israeli army said in a series of reports that eight rockets had been intercepted by the Israeli "Iron Dome" missile shield. A rocket, however, hit a house in Sderot without causing injuries, but causing property damage, police said in a statement.

The last rocket fire was on September 12th. In August, a series of Gaza rocket fire followed by Israeli retaliation, as well as clashes along the fence separating the enclave from Israeli territory, raised fears of an escalation between Hamas and Israel, who fought three wars in the enclave since 2008.

Although shelling along the border had stopped in recent weeks, Gaza was still the scene of clashes on Fridays during demonstrations denouncing the Israeli blockade and demanding the return of Palestinian refugees to the land from which they were driven or they fled Israel's creation in 1948. These demonstrations are concentrated on the Gaza side of the broad barrier controlled by the Israeli army. On Friday, more than 90 Palestinians were wounded by Israeli forces during the protests, including about 50 by bullets, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health.

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