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Impatient with Biden administration, Iran steps up sprains from deal on nuclear program

Negotiations around the Iranian nuclear issue have shifted into high gear. By announcing on Monday February 15 its intention to restrict, from February 23, the access of investigators from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to some of its nuclear sites, Tehran intended to put pressure on the States – United to return to the Iranian nuclear agreement (JCPoA), signed in 2015 with the “5 + 1” group – the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (United States, United Kingdom, France , Russia and China) and Germany.

The suspension of IAEA surveillance measures, a critical step in the strategy that the Islamic Republic has pursued since 2019 to overcome a large number of its commitments after the unilateral withdrawal decreed by former US President Donald Trump in 2018, and the return of US sanctions that are suffocating the Iranian economy, had the desired effect, sparking a wave of worried reactions.

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IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi has announced that he will visit Iran on February 21 to “Find a mutually acceptable solution”, announced the UN agency, which is alarmed by the “Serious impact” limitations foreseen by Iran.

On Wednesday February 17, German Chancellor Angela Merkel called President Hassan Rouhani to inform him of her ” worry “ in the face of Tehran’s multiple deviations from the agreement. In return, the Iranian head of state has “Criticized European performance” to enforce the commitments provided by the JCPoA since the American withdrawal. The heads of French, British and German diplomacy will discuss with the United States on Thursday the rescue of the agreement.

Unlikely that sanctions will be lifted

The new US administration, led by President Joe Biden, demands that Iran come into compliance with the “Deal” for the United States to do the same. Tehran, for its part, demands that the first step be taken by Washington.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, the country’s highest authority, on Wednesday called for “Acts”, no ” words “ from Washington. “We have heard a lot of fine words and promises which, when faced with reality, have not been kept, and opposing decisions have even been taken. (…). This time, [nous ne voulons] only acts on the part of the opposing party and we will also act in this way ”, he argued during a speech broadcast live on Iranian television.

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