Coronavirus epidemic in Israel stops parliament

A banner showing the leader of the Bleu Blanc formation, Benny Gantz, and the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in Tel Aviv, on February 17.
A banner showing the leader of the Bleu Blanc formation, Benny Gantz, and the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in Tel Aviv, on February 17. AMMAR AWAD / REUTERS

The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus epidemic has produced a serious short-circuit in Israeli parliamentary democracy. The transitional government is stepping up emergency measures while the Knesset, the country's first institution, is at a standstill.

Wednesday, March 18, its president, allied with the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, immobilized the Parliament in order to prevent his opposition from taking control of it after it obtained a majority in the elections of March 2 (61 seats out of 120 ), the third in a year. In an unprecedented move, Yuli Edelstein adjourned the first session of the new Knesset after a few minutes.

He refused to vote on his replacement before Monday at best, despite a request from the opposition, and to allow the formation of parliamentary committees supposed to exercise oversight over the work of the executive. In the afternoon, Israeli President Réouven Rivlin unsuccessfully called on Edelstein not to "Undermine Israeli democracy".

The latter justified his decision on procedural matters, and stated that his replacement "Would interfere" with negotiations underway to form a vast union government, which would urgently bring together Létoudah de Nétanyahou and part of his opposition.

Maintaining stability in the face of the health crisis

Prime minister who spoke on channel 12 on Wednesday evening as well as on Facebook Live says it is a question of maintaining stability in the face of the health crisis – while the authorities are planning to impose strict containment in the country , French-style. Netanyahu sees the ambition of the new parliamentary majority to exercise his power "Grabbing (prerogatives) undemocratic ", intended "To bring down the Prime Minister". He also intends to prevent Arab deputies who joined his opposition and whom he describes as "Supporters of terrorism", do not head parliamentary committees.

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On Monday, March 16, the leader of Bleu Blanc, General Benny Gantz, was appointed by the presidency to try to form a government, after having obtained the recommendation of a majority of deputies. This combination of circumstances brings together leftist deputies, the Arab minority and Russian-speaking ultra-nationalists. Only their will to replace the Prime Minister unites them.

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If they do not have the means to form a government, for the time being, they intend to start by acting in the Assembly, by taking control of it, then by passing two laws made to measure to prevent Mr. Netanyahu from obtain a new mandate, while he is being prosecuted for corruption, fraud and breach of trust.


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