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a state plagued by corruption

Demonstrations denouncing inequality and corruption

994 events between 17 October and 16 November 2019

In 2016, 10% of the richest own 57.1% of revenues. Conversely, half of the population owns only 10.7% of income. 8,900 people represent half of the personal wealth of Lebanon. The two richest families, the Mikati and the Hariri, alone hold 15%.

93% of Lebanese judge corrupt government

Power cuts throughout the country

The network, obsolete and undersized, is abandoned because of the clientelism and personal enrichment of a corrupt ruling class.

A confessional and clanic political system, the target of the constation

At the end of the civil war (1975-1990), the Taëf agreements (1989) perpetuate the old denominational system, increase the number of deputies in Parliament, which must respect exact parity between Christians and Muslims.

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also Lebanon: in the workings of the shadow economy

The President of the Republic and the Chief of the Armies are Maronite Christians. The prime minister is a Sunni Muslim. The Speaker of the Parliament is Shia Muslim

"Warlords Stayed" in Politics

Businessmen in politics

The man who embodies the "other" power

Sources: E. Verdeil, G. Faour and M. Hamzé, Atlas of Lebanon, IFPO / CNRS Lebanon, 2019; F. Traboulsi, Social Classes and Political Power in Lebanon, Heinrich-Böll Middle East Foundation, 2014; World Inequality Database; Transparency International; Gallup World Poll; Forbes AFP The world

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