vaccination campaign launched in Algeria, the compulsory mask in transport in the United States

In Blida, in central Algeria, Saturday January 30.

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has killed more than 2.2 million people worldwide since the end of December 2019, according to a report established by Agence France-Presse (AFP) from official sources , Saturday January 30.

More than 102 million cases of infection have been diagnosed. The global death toll is globally underestimated. It is based on the daily reports from the national health authorities.

Algeria launched its vaccination campaign against Covid-19 in Blida on Saturday with the Russian vaccine Sputnik V, Agence France-Presse (AFP) noted on Saturday. The prefecture of Blida was the first outbreak of Covid-19 in Algeria, an Algerian national carrying the virus having returned from France for a wedding.

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Vaccination must be accessible as a priority to medical personnel, the elderly and patients with chronic diseases. Some 8,000 health centers are mobilized. Quoted by the official APS agency, the Minister of Health Abderahmane Benbouzid affirmed that Algeria was trying to acquire sufficient quantities to vaccinate the 44 million inhabitants. “The vaccine is the best available means, at present, to guard against the epidemic”, he pleaded.

Algiers is due to receive a first batch of the British AstraZeneca / Oxford vaccine on Sunday. The largest Maghreb country must also receive batches of Covid-19 vaccines from other countries, including China and India, according to Ammar Belhimmer, Minister of Communication and Government Spokesman.

  • Berlin threatens legal action labs

The German government on Sunday threatened the laboratories with legal action. “Not respecting their obligations” delivery of vaccines to the European Union. “No company can favor another country over the EU after the fact”, said Economy Minister Peter Altmaier in an interview with the German daily Die Welt.

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The tone has risen in recent weeks between European leaders and the British laboratory AstraZeneca, which has accumulated delays in deliveries of its anti-Covid vaccine. The group explained that they could only deliver” A quarter “ doses initially promised to the EU in the first trimester, showing a “Lower yields” in a European factory.

The European Union implicitly accuses AstraZeneca of having favored Great Britain in the delivery of its vaccines, to the detriment of its contractual obligations with Brussels. The EU reacted by adopting on Friday a mechanism to control exports of vaccines produced on its territory.

  • Mandatory masks in transport in the United States

Masks will be mandatory on transportation across the United States from Tuesday, the country’s leading federal public health agency said. This measure, which follows a promise from Joe Biden, will apply in planes, buses, trains, taxis or ferries, said the Centers for the prevention and fight against diseases (CDC) in a document issued on Friday. evening.

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Failure to comply with this measure, which will come into effect Monday at 11:59 p.m. local time (5:59 a.m. in France Tuesday), will be considered a violation of federal law. Surgical or fabric masks, purchased or homemade, reusable or single use, are accepted. They may be temporarily removed to eat or take medication or to verify a person’s identity.

In the United States, restrictions and measures against the pandemic are largely taken at the local level but Joe Biden has, since his inauguration on January 20, issued an executive order to make it mandatory where he has the authority, such as in federal buildings , the wearing of the mask that his predecessor Donald Trump had donned only reluctantly.

The World with AFP


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