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Supreme Court approves tightening of US migration policy

The Supreme Court of the United States gave the green light to an emblematic measure of the tightening of the migration policy of the United States, Monday, January 27. The high court authorizes the administration of Donald Trump to refuse to grant a residence permit ("Green card" or green card) to an immigrant whom she considers could represent in the future a " charge " for federal authorities, receiving government assistance.

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This directive, validated by the five conservative magistrates of the Supreme Court against their four progressive colleagues, is only temporary pending an examination of the merits of the file.

Several complaints had been filed by the states of New York, Connecticut and Vermont, by the city of New York and by NGOs to prevent the implementation of this policy. The government has asked the Supreme Court to lift the injunctions without waiting for a judgment on the merits by a New York court of appeal, which could take place next month.

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According to this directive, immigration officials will be able to take into account several criteria such as age, level of education, health and fluency in English in order to decide whether an immigrant is likely to become a "Public office". The move could affect 22 million foreigners legally residing in the country, especially Latin Americans who often work in low-paid jobs.

A "wealth test" to harm non-white immigrants

According to the White House, which praised Monday "A huge victory for American taxpayers", half of the foreign families residing in the United States include / understand at least one person using Medicaid, the system of public health insurance of the country reserved for the most deprived.

Opponents of this policy believe it will establish a "Wealth test" which will disproportionately rule out non-white immigrants. "Limiting legal immigration by relying on the wealth of candidates is shameful and absolutely anti-American", said Democratic Senator Dick Durbin.

Critics of the measure also fear that it will push families who are already destitute to give up asking for essential aid for their health, food and shelter.

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"This policy is a new way for the Trump government to harm immigrants", on Monday denounced the powerful civil rights association ACLU. "It will affect people with disabilities and low-income families. "

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