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Republicans cement majority for vote on Trump candidate

A great critic of Donald Trump, Mitt Romney’s opinion was eagerly awaited after two moderate Republicans felt that the upper house of Congress should not vote before the poll. Republican elected official Mitt Romney announced Tuesday, September 22, that he would not oppose a Senate vote on Donald Trump’s Supreme Court candidate before the November 3 presidential election, thus consolidating the party’s majority for proceed with this controversial vote. If a vote on the future candidate “Arrives in the chamber of the Senate, I intend to vote on the basis of his qualifications”, wrote the ex-presidential candidate of 2012.

Donald Trump said Tuesday morning that he would reveal the name of his candidate on Saturday. “I will announce my candidate for the Supreme Court on Saturday at the White House!” The exact time remains to be determined ”, the Republican billionaire tweeted. Donald Trump said Monday evening that he was considering five preselected magistrates to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the progressive and feminist dean of the Court who died Friday at 87 years of age from cancer.

Read also Why Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s succession to the Supreme Court will influence the presidential election

Among the favorites are Amy Coney Barrett, a 48-year-old Catholic, as well as a Cuban magistrate born in Florida, Barbara Lagoa, 52. The latter is “Excellent, she is Hispanic, she is a wonderful woman”, the US president said on Fox News. “We love Florida”, he added about this state which should play a key role in the result of the presidential election.

“I intend to follow the Constitution”

It is the Senate which must confirm, by simple majority, the Supreme Court justices appointed for life by the president. “The Constitution gives the president the power to appoint” its candidates for the Supreme Court “And in the Senate authority” to confirm them to these positions for life, said Mitt Romney. “Consequently, I intend to follow the Constitution and the precedents in considering the president’s candidate”, he revealed in a statement.

Democrats are on the wind, arguing that it would be necessary to wait for the election of November 3, which will pit Donald Trump against Joe Biden, before any vote and, if the former vice-president of Barack Obama wins, even wait for his take office in January 2021. But the leader of the Republican majority in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, indicated on Friday evening that he intended to organize a vote to replace “RBG”. He reiterated on Monday that the Senate would vote ” this year “, without specifying a timetable. It has a majority of 53 seats against 47.

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also US Supreme Court: the Republican Party wants to pass in force to the Senate

The World with AFP

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