The hour is so bad that Donald Trump used the White House press room twice in a week. A record. The President of the United States is known for his phobia of microbes and here he is confronted with a globalized virus which has produced the worst stall on Wall Street since 2008. A drama for a man who has not ceased to index his presidency on the announced increase in stock market indices.
Donald Trump reacted quickly with the reflexes of one who believes in a fortress America that one can isolate external influences, necessarily harmful. He boasted of his spirit of decision which led him on January 31 to prohibit the entry of the territory to foreign nationals coming from the epicenter of the epidemic, China, regretting that he did not was commended. But now the enemy is in place.
This epidemic, which we must hope is quickly contained, constitutes a challenge for Donald Trump in that it forces him to do what he refuses whenever he has the opportunity: to govern, to pick out the bad guys news, get out of autopilot which is to overwhelm for everything its predecessors, the Democrats, or even better its predecessors Democrats.
A tortured relationship with reality
Donald Trump likes quick wins and strong staging, not the gloomy lists of infected people, not management that involves resilience rather than flare. And the president who informs the nation with gravity in the institutional decor of the press room provided for this purpose, cohabits with the meeting tribune who can accuse a few hours later his opposition and the media necessarily accomplices of collaboration with the elusive enemy , obviously in order to harm him, without the fate of the Americans being even mentioned.
Donald Trump is weakened by three years of disdain for health care budgets which he now finds great, but which he would have seriously wanted to reduce if Congress had not opposed them. This president, who discovers today that one dies a lot of the flu in a country where health is not equal for everyone, also pays with his contempt for the sciences held at the edge of his presidency when they do not do not abound in his sense, as in the case of global warming.
He also suffers from his tortured relationship with reality when the latter resists the great presidential tale. The episode of Hurricane Dorian in September and the mobilization of the entire federal state to a posteriori accredit the presidential thesis that the state of Alabama was threatened by the path of the storm, which hadn't been, have been there.