France’s avenues for improving the terms of the free trade agreement with Mercosur

Fire in the Amazon rainforest, south of Novo Progresso (State of Para), Brazil, August 16, 2020. A

France casts doubt on its willingness to renegotiate the free trade agreement concluded in June 2019 between the European Union (EU) and the Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay). In a working document, consulted by The world, which is to be presented Thursday, February 4 to the Trade Policy Monitoring Committee – a meeting attended by elected officials, union and NGOs -, the foreign trade ministry even suggests that Paris would agree to ratify the agreement without renegotiating it, to provided that separate commitments are made against deforestation and global warming.

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also France opposes the agreement between the European Union and Mercosur

In September 2020, Prime Minister Jean Castex opposed the free trade agreement ” as is “, after receiving an expert report qualifying it as“Missed opportunity” in environmental and health matters. The latter had adopted the hypothesis of a 5% increase in deforestation during the six years following its implementation, due to an increase in beef production. Finally, they regretted that the guarantees were not greater with regard to the use of antibiotics, respect for animal welfare or the use of pesticides in imported agricultural goods.

Instead of renegotiation or abandonment, the working document envisages other avenues, such as the adoption of a European law fighting against “Imported deforestation”, enhanced cooperation between countries to set up a “System of traceability of animal and plant products so as to identify their origin and their possible link with areas at risk or situation of deforestation”, the establishment of “Mirror measurements” to apply the same production standards to imported products as in the EU, the “Withdrawal of certain reforms with particularly harmful effects on the forest” or the strengthening of the commitments made by the Mercosur countries.

“EU credibility”

Since Jair Bolsonaro came to power in Brazil in January 2019, deforestation in the Amazon has accelerated to such an extent that Emmanuel Macron has accused the Brazilian president of having “Lied” on its commitments to sustainable development. Germany also shared its “Serious doubts that the agreement can be implemented as planned”, due to the increase in forest fires in the rainforest. “What we want are binding and verifiable commitments from the Mercosur countries in terms of climate and biodiversity, we explain to the French Ministry of Foreign Trade, and it can take different forms. “

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