Two days after a press conference supposed to reassure the Americans on the coronavirus epidemic, Donald Trump chose to politicize it excessively by denouncing a "Sham" from the Democratic opposition at a rally in South Carolina on Friday February 28. "They tried the impostation of the impeachment", in the Ukrainian case, "This is their new sham", assured the president, after a week marked by a severe market stall, worried about the consequences on the world economy of the spread of the virus.
His chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, had already denounced a democratic maneuver and the press in the morning, before the Conservative Political Action Conference, the annual meeting of American conservatives. "Why didn't you hear about it (before)? What was going on four or five weeks ago? Impeachment is all the press wanted to talk about. The reason you see so much attention there today is that they think it will be the thing that will bring the president down. It's just that ", assured Mick Mulvaney.
The president's eldest son, Donald Jr., went further on Fox News, assuring that the Democrats hope that the United States will be affected and that "The pandemic (…) kills millions of people in order to end Donald Trump's winning streak. "
"One day, it's like a miracle, it will disappear"
The day before, the President of the United States had railed on his Twitter account, speaking of him, once again, in the third person in the singular. "So the coronavirus, which started in China and has spread to various countries around the world, but very slowly in the United States, because President Trump closed our border and ended the flights, VERY EARLY , is now blamed, by the do-nothing-democrats, as something that is the fault of “Trump” ”, he wrote, in an allusion to his decision on January 31 to temporarily suspend the entry into the United States of foreign nationals at risk from China.
Earlier in the afternoon on Thursday, he had been particularly elusive. "It will go away. One day, it's like a miracle, it will disappear ", he had said. "You know, it could get worse before it gets better. Maybe it could go away. We'll see what happens. Nobody really knows ”, he continued.