Biden consolidates lead over Sanders

Joe Biden won three new states on Tuesday [March 10], consolidating his lead over Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries to nominate Donald Trump’s opponent for the presidential election in November.

Former Barack Obama vice president was named the winner in Mississippi and Missouri by American media. He thus confirms his ability to impose himself in the South of the United States and with African-Americans, a key electorate for the Democrats, but also beyond. Idaho, North Dakota and Washington are also called to the polls on Tuesday.

The champion of the moderate camp, big favorite since his victories of the last ten days and the rallies in cascade around his candidacy, counts on this "Mini-Super Tuesday" to take a decisive advantage against socialist senator Bernie Sanders, much more to the left. With this in mind, the American media reports that Mr. Biden has also won in Michigan, the most populous of the six states called to decide Tuesday between the two contenders for the Democratic nomination.

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This industrial state of the Midwest is a big supplier of delegates who will appoint, in July, the Democratic candidate for the White House. Beyond the 125 delegates at stake, its result could have a decisive impact on the competition. If Joe Biden's momentum materializes, the Democratic primaries could decant quickly.

Already in contention for the primary of 2016, Bernie Sanders had created the surprise by arriving in front of Hillary Clinton in this State of the region of the Great Lakes. His possible defeat is a blow to his campaign.

Rallies to Counter Trump

The two septuagenarians had, for the first time, to cancel their meetings scheduled for Tuesday evening in Ohio because of the coronavirus – a sign that the epidemic could disrupt the continuation of this long electoral marathon.

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Joe Biden, 77, decided to speak instead in the evening from Philadelphia, where his campaign headquarters are located. Bernie Sanders, 78, has yet to confirm his plans, but according to CNN, has returned to the state of Vermont where he is a senator.

With 28 dead and more than 900 cases in the United States, the epidemic overshadows the primary campaign even more. The Democratic Party has also announced that there will be no spectators for the next debate, on March 15, which will take the form of a Biden-Sanders face-to-face for the first time. However, several million Americans were able to vote without incident on Tuesday.

With the exception of Elizabeth Warren, who has not declared her preference, the former big candidates have joined Joe Biden: Michael Bloomberg, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker. All call Democrats to "Gathering" behind him to prevent Donald Trump from winning a second four-year term.

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The World with AFP


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