What is meaning of kept woman?

Definition of kept woman

: a woman who is kept as a lover by someone.

Then, What is another name for a kept woman?

synonyms for kept woman

  • girlfriend.
  • paramour.
  • sweetheart.
  • chatelaine.
  • courtesan.
  • inamorata.
  • ladylove.
  • sugar.

simply so, What it means to be kept?

/kept/ uk. /kept/ kept woman/man. someone who does not work but is instead given money and a place to live by the person she or he is having a sexual relationship with. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

What does a keep girl mean? 1. kept woman – an adulterous woman; a woman who has an ongoing extramarital sexual relationship with a man.

What is a kept man mean?

Definition of kept man

: a man who is kept as a lover by someone.

What does it mean when someone is kept?

/kept/ uk. /kept/ kept woman/man. someone who does not work but is instead given money and a place to live by the person she or he is having a sexual relationship with. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

What does it mean when someone is well kept?

Definition of well-kept

1 : always having a neat, tidy, and attractive appearance well-kept houses/lawns. 2 : known by only a few people a well-kept secret.

What do you mean by retain?

1a : to keep in possession or use. b : to keep in one’s pay or service specifically : to employ by paying a retainer. c : to keep in mind or memory : remember. 2 : to hold secure or intact. Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym Example Sentences Learn More About retain.

What is well kept mean?

Definition of well-kept

1 : always having a neat, tidy, and attractive appearance well-kept houses/lawns. 2 : known by only a few people a well-kept secret.

Have kept meaning?

If you say ‘I have kept’ that means that you used to keep whatever it was you were keeping. when you say ‘I’ve been keeping’ this implies that you are still in the process of keeping whatever it is that you are keeping. See a translation. 1 like.

What does Keeped mean?

An incorrect conjugation of “to keep.” 7. 1.

What is a kept person?

Filters. A man, supported financially by a female lover (usually a married woman).

What is a kept housewife?

07/21/2021. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a kept woman is, “a woman who is kept as a lover by someone.” The phrase is often associated with… well, being a mistress. But it could just be that he thinks you’re a peach that he loves to polish and shine you off, showing off all of your sweetness.

What is a kept lover?

A mistress is in a long-term relationship with her attached lover, and is often referred to as “the other woman”. … There is often also the implication that the mistress is sometimes “kept” – i.e. her lover is contributing to her living expenses.

Are you a kept man?

A man, supported financially by a female lover (usually a married woman).

What is the meaning of kept on?

1 informal : to continue happening, doing something, working, etc. The rain kept on throughout the day. He talked and talked. At one point I thought he would keep on all night. She kept on talking after I told her to be quiet.

What is the meaning of the phrase kept in?

to make someone stay in a place, especially in school as a punishment. They were kept in after school. If he takes her to hospital, they might keep her in.

What is another word for well-kept?

What is another word for well-kept?

orderly neat
structured efficient
meticulous in order
well-regulated shipshape
well organized organised UK

What is the opposite of well-kept?

What is the opposite of well-kept?

disorganised UK disorganized US
unsystematic haphazard
hit-or-miss immethodical
irregular nonsystematic
patternless planless

How do you use the word retain?

1 I retain a clear memory of those days. 2 Sear the meat first to retain its juices. 3 He struggled to retain control of the situation. 4 You have the right to retain possession of the goods.

Is retainable a word?

Capable of being retained.

What is retained in school?

Retention is the practice of not promoting students up a grade level in school (e.g., students repeat a grade level) and is based on the belief that children learn more academically by repeating a grade (Fait, 1982).


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