What is the Flash’s weakness?

The Flash is arguably the fastest being in the multiverse because of the array of powers the speed force gives him. His weakness is cold temperature because his molecules cannot vibrate at their normal speed if the cold slows them down.

also What is Deadpool’s weakness? 7 Weakness: Mental Instability

Despite his sunny demeanor, Wade Wilson suffers from serious schizophrenia and depression, so extreme that it made him seek ways to end his life. Deadpool’s impulsive nature makes him unable to manage his emotions and as a result of this, and his ADHD, he can be severely weakened.

What is Wally West’s weakness? And as Wally starts his new civilian job working under Mister Terrific, he quickly reveals that he has one especially glaring weakness that becomes apparent to his colleagues: He is not handy with computers.

in the same way Who can beat the flash? Anyone with Infinity Stones can beat Flash, Silver Surfer can beat Flash, many cosmic charachters can beat flash because flash cant time travel to another planet. So anyone with unbreakable skin or suit is invincible to flash, super speed is a plus for the charachters.

Does Green Lantern have a weakness?

The original Green Lantern {Alan Scott}, the 1940’s GL, had a weakness for wood or wooden objects. The Modern Lanterns have a weakness toward anything that is yellow, due to a yellow impurity in the main battery on OA that gives the rings their power.

What mental illness does Wade Wilson? 11 His Mental State

His schizophrenia and battle with depression lie just beneath his comedy routines. The evidence of his mental breakdown can be seen through his audio and visual hallucinations and memory problems, but the worst of it is his violent outbursts, where he unleashes his illness onto everyone in his path.

Who is Deadpool’s worst enemy? A mercenary for hire, he played an important role in the series Deadpool; T-Ray served to remind Wade Wilson, also known as Deadpool, what a failure he was. He is Deadpool’s archenemy for many issues and almost everything that happened to Deadpool was a part of an elaborate plan orchestrated by T-Ray.

What’s Deadpool’s biggest fear? Deadpool has bovinophobia, which is the fear of cows. Their stares scare the crap out of him because he believes that they’re waiting for the opportune moment to strike. As for a more common phobia, he’s also terrified of clowns, which he considers the greatest threat to Earth after Galactus.

Who was the fastest flash?

Wally West is the Fastest Flash and is arguably the fastest being that has ever existed, as said by Max Mercury—and it has been remarked that Wally and Barry are the only two speedsters that were fast enough to even outrun death itself.

Does the flash age slower? Although there is the science answer that he is proved to age proportionately less to the speed he travels, the Flash originally didn’t get his powers from some far off energy thingy called the Speed Force.

What is Martian Manhunter’s weakness?

One of the last surviving members of his species, the Martian Manhunter wields such powers as the ability to shape-shift, telepathy, flight, invisibility, phasing, super-strength and Martian vision. His only weakness in an inherent fear of fire, which all Martians have.

Did Batman ever fight flash? Pitting Batman against the Flash appears to be a fairly one-sided match at first. … However, Batman is always prepared for virtually any contingency – including facing down the Fastest Man Alive.

Who is faster than flash in Marvel?

Flash is the super fast superhero from DC Comics and part of the Justice League. Quicksilver is the super fast superhero from Marvel Comics and sometimes an Avenger. In recent clips, Quicksilver has blazing speed.

Who is the most powerful in DC?

12 Strongest & Most Powerful DC Characters

  1. The Presence. The Presence is the highest form of being in the DC Universe, having created the angels, namely Michael and Samael.
  2. Lucifer Morningstar. …
  3. Michael Demiurgos. …
  4. Spectre. …
  5. Elaine Belloc. …
  6. Superman Prime (One Million) …
  7. Eclipso. …
  8. Decreator. …

Is Yellow Lantern stronger than green? Green Lanterns have the most powerful weapon in the DC Universe and it is powered by a lanterns own Will. Sinestro’s Yellow ring is powered by fear. Thus, it is safe to say that a green lanterns weakness is fear. When they are overcome by fear, the yellow lanterns get stronger.

What is yellow lantern weakness? The yellow rings are charged by yellow power batteries, which are in turn linked to a yellow Central Power Battery based on Korugar. Aside from the recharging limitations common among the various Corps, their only known weakness is that their power can be drained by a Blue Lantern’s power ring.

What is Deadpool’s strength?

Deadpool possesses great-though-not-unnatural, physical strength. He does possesses the strength of an Olympic-level weightlifter. While the exact amount of weight he can lift isn’t known, he is able to lift at least 420 lbs. but no more than 800 lbs.

Is Deadpool immortal? Deadpool is effectively immortal, although he has died several times. He is still alive 800 years in the future when the new X-Force encounters him. In addition, Thanos once declared that Deadpool should “consider yourself cursed … with life!”

Why does Deadpool act crazy?

In-universe explanation for Deadpool’s self-awareness as a comic book character is that implanted healing factor combined with cancer made him mentally unstable due to constant stress and pain. That’s why he is acting the way he is.

Who cursed Deadpool with immortality? If Thanos couldn’t have Death, no one could; it was the one thing that Thanos could not and would not abide. When he saw that Deadpool was putting the moves on his crush, Thanos decided to intervene in a decidedly drastic way: he cursed Wade Wilson to eternal life.

Is T Ray actually Wade Wilson?

Deadpool was led to believe that T-Ray had killed Mercedes years earlier, making their rivalry all the more personal. During the battle, however, it was revealed that T-Ray was the original Wade Wilson. T-Ray claimed that Deadpool was a mercenary who killed his wife, Mercedes, and stole his name.

What is Deadpool afraid of? Clowns (coulrophobia)

Deadpool is scared of clowns, and he considers them the greatest threat to Earth, after Galactus.

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