What happens to Chakotay?

Chakotay died in 2394, following Voyager’s return, and Admiral Janeway visits his grave marker in that episode. This future was undone by the future Janeway travelling back in time to Voyager to return it to Earth sooner.

also Does 7 of 9 marry Chakotay? Seven begins a romantic relationship with Chakotay during her holodeck simulation of Voyager. She became his love interest and went on several dates with him. … In an alternate timeline, Janeway reveals that Seven of Nine and Chakotay were married.

Is Janeway a Picard? With the debut of Star Trek: Picard, many fans have wondered if we’d get a glimpse of Janeway or any other Voyager crew members, since Seven of Nine is already on hand. It’s interesting that when next we see her, it will be in animation, and seemingly not in the era of Star Trek: Picard.

in the same way What is wrong with Tuvok in endgame? It is learned during “Endgame”, the final episode of the series, that Tuvok suffers from a degenerative neurological disease, which can only be cured by undergoing a mind meld with a family member. In 2377, he was still well enough to perform his duties.

How old is Janeway?

While there’s no canonical confirmation of Janeway’s age, information from various episodes and books puts her in her mid- to late-30s at the start of Voyager, most likely around 35 or 36. When the Voyager returned seven years later, she would have been in her early forties, about 42 or 43.

What happened to Jeri Ryan? Jeri Ryan Now

She has found more steady work on television as a series regular on the reboot of MacGyver. She has also returned to the world of Star Trek, appearing on Star Trek: Picard as Seven of Nine, where she’s set to become a regular in Star Trek: Picard season 2.

What happens to Worf? Following the destruction of the Enterprise in Generations, Worf was reassigned to the front lines of the Dominion War in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. … After the Federation won the war against the Dominion, Worf departed Deep Space Nine with an offer to serve as the Federation’s ambassador to the Klingon Empire.

How was Kes written off Voyager? There are two main reasons Kes was written out of Star Trek: Voyager. Firstly, the writers recognized they’d dropped the ball with the character. … When the older Kes is killed in the past, her timeline is changed, giving Janeway, Tuvok, and Neelix an opportunity to peacefully send Kes home to be with her own kind.

Does Voyager ever get back to earth?

Admiral Janeway beams aboard Voyager and meets her younger self, and is moved to see a healthy Tuvok and Chakotay again. In Janeway’s Ready Room, the Admiral reveals to the Captain that Voyager did eventually make it back to Earth after another 16 years, and the ship became a museum on the grounds of the Presidio.

Why would it take Voyager 75 years to get home? In Star Trek: Voyager, it is stated that it will take 75 years to travel 70,000 light years to reach Federation space. It is stated that the Voyager can sustain a maximum crusing speed of warp 9.975.

Did Voyager ever get back to earth?

Admiral Janeway beams aboard Voyager and meets her younger self, and is moved to see a healthy Tuvok and Chakotay again. In Janeway’s Ready Room, the Admiral reveals to the Captain that Voyager did eventually make it back to Earth after another 16 years, and the ship became a museum on the grounds of the Presidio.

Is there a black Vulcan? Black Vulcan is an African-American superhero on the animated series Super Friends created by Hanna-Barbera. He was voiced by Buster Jones.

Is Captain Janeway married?

In an alternate timeline featured in the Star Trek: Myriad Universes novella A Gutted World, Voyager was never stranded in the Delta Quadrant and Janeway and Mark were married by 2373. He was widowed when the ship was destroyed in that year by the Cardassians.

Who played Katherine Janeway?

Kate Mulgrew (born 29 April 1955; age 66) is an actress who is best known for playing Captain Kathryn Janeway on Star Trek: Voyager.

Is Ensign Janeway related to Captain Janeway? It’s just a name. There’s no canon link between her and the ‘other’ Janeway.

What episode does KES leave Voyager? Jennifer Lien’s exit came in season 4’s “The Gift,” after Kes’ psychic abilities began spiraling out of control following an encounter with Species 8472.

How much was William Shatner paid for Star Trek?

While Shatner will forever be Captain James T. Kirk from Star Trek, his salary for the original TV series was on the lower side. He was reportedly paid just $5,000 per episode (which comes out to about $39,000 in 2020), and he was also guaranteed a $500 raise every season the series was renewed.

What is Worf’s sash? A Klingon baldric worn by Worf The Klingon baldric was a sash that traditionally went over the left or right shoulder of noble Klingons. It contained the symbol of a Klingon House. ( TOS: “Errand of Mercy”; DS9: “Soldiers of the Empire”) Some baldrics were used to hold knives or daggers. ( ENT: “Broken Bow”)

What happens to Worf’s son?

Alexander appeared several times in TNG, despite not being a series regular; however, he did not follow his father to Deep Space Nine, instead opting to live with Worf’s human parents on Earth. … He is stationed on the Rotarran, on which his father is a commanding officer.

What is Jeri Ryan doing now? Jeri Ryan Now

She has found more steady work on television as a series regular on the reboot of MacGyver. She has also returned to the world of Star Trek, appearing on Star Trek: Picard as Seven of Nine, where she’s set to become a regular in Star Trek: Picard season 2.

How did Neelix meet Kes?

We meet Kes for the first time in the pilot episode “Caretaker.” First, the crew meets Neelix, who agrees to be their guide through the Delta Quadrant…if they help him with something first. … The Voyager crew rescue Kes and ultimately tick off the Kazon. The rest is history, or Hulu back catalog.

Was Roxann pregnant during Voyager? Dawson was pregnant during the 4th season of Voyager. She wore a lab coat to hide her pregnancy for most of the season, but in VOY: “The Killing Game” and “The Killing Game, Part II”, she was shown on the holodeck to be pregnant, though Seven of Nine confirmed that it was a holographic baby.

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