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"Not reasonable" to predict a date for the resumption of the French football championship

"Nobody is master of the calendar". Faced with the coronavirus epidemic, the president of the French football federation Noël Le Graët judges " not reasonable " predict a date to resume competitions. But "Ending June 30 seems impossible", he conceded, Friday, March 27, in an interview with AFP.

"There are hypotheses for recovery: May 15 for some, June 1 or 15 for others. For still others, we will not go to the end. You have to be careful what you say and listen to the state. The goal is to resume as quickly as possible, but without any health risk for our spectators and our players ", explains Mr. Le Graët. "It is not up to us to decide. We will not resume until authorization is given. I asked everyone to think for another 15 days, to take a good look at what is going on, to wait for the meetings with the ministries. "

The elections to the presidency of the FFF, scheduled for the end of December, could be postponed by several weeks, or even "After" the 2021 Olympics, said Le Graët.

The World with AFP

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