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Danish Christian Eriksen still hospitalized in stable condition

After the fear that shook Denmark and all of Europe, relief. Christian Eriksen, victim of cardiac arrest, Saturday, June 12, in the middle of the Euro match, is wearing ” as good as possible “, the Danish team reported on Sunday.

Danish team officials gave reassuring news at a press conference on Sunday, reporting that the Inter Milan midfielder is in stable condition. The Danish national team’s doctor, Morten Boesen, clarified that there was no “For the moment no explanation”. For his part, the doctor of his club let it be known in the Italian press that he “There had never been the slightest episode that would have suggested a problem, neither near nor far”.

“This is one of the reasons why he is still hospitalized, to understand what happened”, said Morten Boesen, adding that the examinations carried out were “Good”. The doctor also confirmed that Eriksen had “Suffered a cardiac arrest” and that he ” was gone (…). That’s why we had to do cardiac resuscitation ”.

The rapid and efficient management of the player by the emergency services was undoubtedly decisive, as the doctor explained. “The medical team [du tournoi] arrived quickly and, with their help (…), we managed to do “return” Christian “, did he declare.

Responsiveness “Essential”, greeted by Emmanuel Orhant, medical director of the French Football Federation (FFF): “Once there has been a heart failure, there is very little chance that it will come back on its own. It is through the care provided by the Danish team doctor and by the field emergency team that this player was able to stay alive ”, he analyzes.

“Playing for Christian”

“This morning, we spoke with Christian Eriksen, who greeted his teammates”, explained the Danish Football Federation (DBU) in a tweet. “The team and the management of the national team have received crisis assistance and will continue to be there for each other after yesterday’s incident”, is it written.

Given the magnitude of the shock, the Danish team’s training session scheduled for Sunday at midday was postponed and the players were able, like the previous evening, to consult psychologists.

“Seeing Christian smile today was very positive for them (…). They will now have to digest the images and each will have their own process to do it, we will give them time, insisted the Danish coach, Kasper Hjulmand. [Eriksen] wish we continued, so that’s what we’re gonna do. We want to play for Christian ”.

“I couldn’t be prouder of my players”

At the 43e minute of the match between Denmark and Finland, played in the Parken Stadium in Copenhagen, Eriksen collapsed suddenly on the pitch, eyes rolled back, before suffering a heart massage.

The game was halted as the Danes, some of them in tears, gathered to form a circle around the 29-year-old midfielder and hide him from view. After more than ten minutes of cardiac massage, the medical team evacuated the player from the field, still surrounded by Danish players.

UEFA then proposed to the DBU to end the match the same evening or to postpone it until noon the next day. After talking to Eriksen, who gave him reassuring news, the Danish team decided to resume the match, which ultimately ended in a victory for the Finns (0-1), after a goal in the 60e minute of Joel Pohjanpalo.

“You cannot play a game with such emotions, but no player could have gone home, managed to fall asleep and get up” to play the match the next day, explained the Danish coach. “We tried to win. It was incredible to go there and try to play this second half. Honestly, we had players who were finished and emotionally exhausted ”, he explained. “But I couldn’t be more proud of my players, who took such good care of each other”, continued Kasper Hjulmand.

“It was a sad evening from every point of view, the misfortunes of Christian Eriksen obviously eclipsing all the rest”, wrote the DBU in a statement.

“Christian cheated death”

Christian Eriksen’s discomfort has caused a wave of sympathy across the continent, dominated by the relief of having avoided a tragedy in the middle of a Euro match.

The Danish tabloids have summed up the general feeling: “Shock in Parken”, titled the BT, while, for Ekstra Bladet, “Christian cheated death”. The benchmark daily, Politiken, cut short any controversy by defending the restart of the match, nearly two hours after Eriksen’s discomfort.

“What a fright! “, headlined the Madrid sports daily Ace, while for its counterpart Marca “The champions of the Euro” are ” the doctors “. In France, the daily The team evoked “A match for life”, with a beautiful photo of Eriksen running on the pitch, a slight smile on his lips, far from the disturbing images of the player, his eyes rolled back, broadcast on Saturday night, which prompted the BBC to apologize for relaying such scenes.

“It could have turned into a drama”, commented, Sunday, the French coach, Didier Deschamps, on TF1. “Fortunately, the on-site medical service did everything necessary to ensure that his condition is stable today. These are things that can happen, unfortunately. “

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