after the deadly stampede, the Olembé stadium reopens for a semi-final and the final

The entrance to the Olembé stadium in Yaoundé the day after the deadly stampede that killed eight people on January 24, 2022, during an African Cup of Nations match.
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The Confederation of African Football (CAF) reopened the Olembé stadium in Yaoundé on Sunday (January 30th) for the end of the African Cup of Nations (CAN) in Cameroon after receiving the report relating to the stampede which left eight dead. Monday January 24.

The CAF organizing committee has unanimously decided to lift the suspension imposed on the Olembé stadium and to authorize one of the CAN semi-finals as well as the final match to take place at the stadium. of Olembé »CAF said in a statement.

Read also CAN 2022: in Yaoundé, in front of the Olembé stadium, “people fell, unconscious, and some died”

“The report analyzed the tragic circumstances which caused thirty-eight injuries and eight deaths. He further highlighted the recommendations and interventions to ensure that a tragedy of this nature never happens again”develops the press release.

It also highlights the additional security measures “successfully implemented at the Ahmadou-Ahidjo stadium” from Yaounde “during the Morocco-Malawi match and at the Japoma stadium” from Douala “during the Gambia-Cameroon match”two quarter-finals of the continent’s premier competition.

“A human tide”

The deadly stampede last Monday in Yaoundé before the round of 16 between Cameroon and Comoros is due to the opening “reckless” of a door by the security forces “facing a human tide”said the Cameroonian Minister of Sports on Friday.

Concordant testimonies collected the day after the tragedy by AFP confirmed that a compact crowd had gathered against the gate of the south entrance which the police then finally opened. Hundreds of people rushed into this breach, trampling dozens of others.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, CAF President Patrice Motsepe announced the relocation of the quarter-final scheduled for Sunday from the Olembé stadium to the second stadium in the capital, Ahmadou-Ahidjo. He also announced that CAF would not allow other matches to be played there if the Cameroonian authorities did not present him with an investigation report before Friday.

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The World with AFP


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