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Who was the mole in Chicago Fire?

Who was the mole in Chicago Fire?

Lieutenant Spellman was a Chicago Fire lieutenant who was exposed as a mole working for Gail McLeod in an attempt to close Firehouse 51 in Chicago Fire.

Status: Alive
Cause of departure: Transferred after being exposed as a mole
Portrayed by: John Hoogenakker
First episode: Fire: A Problem House

Then, Why did Ruzek go to jail? In Reckoning, Adam is arrested for his part in trying to bring down Brian Kelton.

Why did Chin leave Chicago PD?

It was simply his character’s time to go. In a July 2014 interview with TV Guide, showrunner Matt Olmstead revealed that Sheldon Jin’s death was specially designed to shock the audience and the characters alike.

Likewise Who owns Molly’s bar on Chicago Fire? Molly’s (previously known as the Walcott Street Pub) is a bar owned by Christopher Herrmann, Mouch and Trudy Platt, and previously by Otis, Gabriela Dawson and Leslie Shay. It is often frequented by the members of Firehouse 51 as well as other firefighters, members of the CPD and paramedics.

Is ruzek a mole? Meanwhile, Voight discovers that Ruzek is a mole but to Ruzek’s surprise, works with him to take down Woods.

Does Ruzek go to jail season 6?

Meanwhile, evidence becomes clear from the Internal Affairs office that Ruzek had been lying and trying to cover up for Dawson’s actions. Later on, Ruzek sticks with his word and ends up getting arrested for the crime.

Does Voight go to jail in season 6?

Things escalated to such a feverous height that Voight attempted to have Casey injured or killed (it’s unclear what his intent was) for targeting his son. Fortunately for all parties involved, Voight was arrested by Detective Antonio Dawson (Jon Seda) in a sting and sent to prison for a brief stint.

Does Ruzek get his job back?

Ruzek then gets his job back in Intelligence, but does not get back together with Kim. In the season 5 premiere “Reform”, he appears to be more aggressive with the public, and when Atwater explains to him about the interactions between police and black men.

Does Voight catch Jin?

Edwin Stillwll was a Chicago Police Internal Affairs sergeant and Hank Voight’s handler in Chicago P.D.. He was incarcerated when he murdered Detective Sheldon Jin when he blackmailed Jin to be his mole.

Edwin Stillwell
Last episode: P.D.: Call It Macaroni

Why is Atwater raising his siblings?

For a majority of his life, Atwater has been the legal guardian to his younger siblings, Vinessa and Jordan. However, after events in Snitch and Home involving the two, he decides to let them move to Texas to live with their aunt ensure their safety. He still keeps in contact with them and misses them dearly.

What does Voight do to Casey?

First beginning with bribery (a new television set for the CFD) and escalating to physical threats towards Casey and his then-fiancé, Dr. Hallie Thomas. Voight attempted to have Casey injured or killed, but was arrested by Detective Antonio Dawson (Jon Seda) in a sting.

Why is Voight in jail on Chicago Fire?

Things escalated to such a feverous height that Voight attempted to have Casey injured or killed (it’s unclear what his intent was) for targeting his son. Fortunately for all parties involved, Voight was arrested by Detective Antonio Dawson (Jon Seda) in a sting and sent to prison for a brief stint.

Why did ruzek go to jail?

In Reckoning, Adam is arrested for his part in trying to bring down Brian Kelton.

Does LaRoyce Hawkins have a child?

Does LaRoyce Hawkins have a kid? LaRoyce has a 3-year-old son named Roman John. He occasionally goes by Ro in LaRoyce’s captions on Instagram.

Where was LaRoyce Hawkins born?

Early life. Hawkins was born and raised in Harvey, Illinois, a southern suburb of Chicago. While Hawkins was growing up he lived with his grandparents until he was 13 and he credits them with shaping his life and the lives of his siblings. Hawkins attended Thornton High School, where he initially played basketball.

Why did Antonio Dawson get divorced?

However, subsequent events in Season 1 and Dawson’s dedication to his job take a toll on their marriage, resulting in her leaving with their two children. They eventually divorce under acrimonious terms and she prevents the children from seeing their father for some time.

Does Voight take down Kelton?

He assembles his unit to find him and take down Kelton. He takes it off book when Kelton directs them to a double homicide that homicide stalled.

Does Brett get pregnant by Antonio?

No, Brett is not pregnant. The character merely told Kidd that she was going to be traveling to visit Casey and was excited to see him after several months apart. There’s nothing to suggest that she is keeping her pregnancy a secret, nor are there any clues to foreshadow a potential future pregnancy.

Why do Brett and Cruz break up?

She tells him she’s happy in Chicago, but he tells her she isn’t. She breaks up with him again after shaming him for his control issues and he leaves. Cruz then asks her out and she rejects him.

Does Casey and Brett get together?

The Season 10 finale didn’t end on the best note for the couple. Stellaride officially committed to each other for life when they finally got married during Chicago Fire’s Season 10 finale.

Does ruzek get his job back?

Ruzek then gets his job back in Intelligence, but does not get back together with Kim. In the season 5 premiere “Reform”, he appears to be more aggressive with the public, and when Atwater explains to him about the interactions between police and black men.

Is Hank Voight a dirty cop?

It’s no secret that Hank Voight is a dirty cop. Along with a whole lot of lying, intimidation, and manipulation; Voight also isn’t afraid to get physical. There are a couple of times that Voight takes the law — and those he believes deserve something more than an arrest — into his own hands.

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