Where was the Oregon Trail in 1883?

The Oregon Trail was a roughly 2,000-mile route from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon City, Oregon, which was used by hundreds of thousands of American pioneers in the mid-1800s to emigrate west. The trail was arduous and snaked through Missouri and present-day Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho and finally into Oregon.

Then, What fort did the Duttons go to in 1883? The Cinemaholic shows the Dutton family’s path. They travel from Fort Worth, Texas, through Oklahoma, Colorado, and Wyoming, which is where they’re close to in episode 9.

Why do the Duttons settle in Montana?

Because they know that killing all of those men will eventually catch up with them, Shea, James and Thomas know they need to move on. For their own safety as well as for Elsa. James tells his wife that wherever Elsa passes, that’s where they will settle down so that they can be with her forever.

Likewise What river are they crossing in 1883? Episode 4, “The Crossing,” sees the family and their group hit yet another bump in the road: the Brazos River. With livestock, wagons brimming with supplies, and dozens of people who don’t know how to swim, the water poses a threat to everyone.

How far did the pioneers typically walk each day for 6 months? Average distance covered in a day was usually fifteen miles, but on a good day twenty could be traveled. 7:30 am: Men ride ahead on horses with shovels to clear out a path, if needed.

Who is Elsa Dutton to John Dutton?

Elsa is the sister of John Dutton Senior, but her relationship with Costner’s character is more complicated. As John Dutton Junior came into the mix, Elsa is Costner’s character’s great aunt.

What does Elsa say before she dies in 1883?

I’m not scared, Daddy.” Then, she dies. So, why were these Elsa’s final words? Prior to spotting the bird before her death, she tells James her first memory involved seeing a flock of birds “in the field behind the house.” She saw the birds picking at the soft earth after it rained to easily get to the worms.

Where is Elsa buried in Yellowstone?

Elsa Dutton dies in her father’s arms

During Elsa’s final moments, James takes his daughter to an open area and they rest by a very specific tree — a tree that “Yellowstone” fans quickly recognized (via Twitter). “This is the spot,” she tells her father.

Who does Elsa Dutton marry?

Congratulations are in order: 1883’s Miss Elsa Dutton has gotten herself hitched. And because this is one of the few shows in which that phrase might be taken literally, allow me to clarify: Elsa gets married in Sunday’s episode. The groom? Handsome Sam, the Comanche man she met [checks notes] last episode.

Does Elsa Dutton have a baby?

Elsa’s Baby is Spencer

The Dutton family in 1893, 10 years after the events of the prequel, is shown in a flashback. Spencer Dutton, John Dutton’s younger brother, is now a teenager. Some fans, however, believe Spencer is really Elsa Dutton’s son. Elsa’s future appears dismal in the opening scene of 1883.

Is James Dutton John’s great grandfather?

The Yellowstone prequel series 1883 introduced us to the original Dutton patriarch, James Dutton (Tim McGraw), and his wife Margaret (Faith Hill). Though it hasn’t been specifically laid out, we can safely guess that James is meant to be the great-grandfather of Kevin Costner’s John Dutton.

Does Elsa get pregnant on 1883?

1883′ Episode 6 debunks a popular fan theory

This pretty much proves that Elsa doesn’t get pregnant on the journey to Montana — at least not with Ennis’ baby. Isabel May previously teased to extratv that questions surrounding Elsa’s pregnancy would be answered very soon, and she wasn’t exaggerating.

Does Elsa go back to Sam in 1883?

After one of the most heartbreaking episodes of TV in recent memory, 1883 gave its viewers one final scene to bring a smile to those watching. With one final piece of narration, Elsa explains that she is now in Heaven and we see her reunite with her Comanche husband, Sam, after the pair got married in episode 8.

Who is James Dutton to John Dutton?

First Generation: James Dutton

James Dutton is played by Tim McGraw. Per Yellowstone and 1883 creator Taylor Sheridan in The Road West special, he is the great-great-great grandfather to John Dutton, played by Kevin Costner.

Is Elsa Dutton in Yellowstone?

Elsa Dutton was a main character and the narrator in 1883: A Yellowstone Origin Story. She was the eldest daughter of James and Margaret Dutton.

Portrayed by.

First appearance Last appearance
“1883” “This Is Not Your Heaven”

What happens to Elsa Dutton?

Elsa Dutton dies in her father’s arms

During Elsa’s final moments, James takes his daughter to an open area and they rest by a very specific tree — a tree that “Yellowstone” fans quickly recognized (via Twitter). “This is the spot,” she tells her father.


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