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What is the meaning of freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose?

What is the meaning of freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose?

This is what he said in an interview, “It definitely expressed the double-edged sword that freedom is. You may be free but it can be painful to be that free. But maybe at the very end, when you leave, you will be free when you’ve nothing else to lose, you know, when you’re gone.”

Then, What did Kris Kristofferson think of Janis Joplin’s version of Bobby McGee? Kristofferson shared how he felt when he first heard Joplin’s rendition of “Me and Bobby McGee.” Kristofferson felt heaviness in his heart as he listened to the song. Every time he heard the song, he tried not to breakdown, because of how sad it felt to listen to Joplin’s voice singing such a song.

What does nothing to lose mean?

idiom informal (also what have you got to lose?) used to say that you cannot make things worse, or cause any disadvantages for yourself by doing a particular thing: Why don’t you take the job?

Likewise Did Janis Joplin have a relationship with Kris Kristofferson? It comes as no surprise though; free love was the name of the game. Another brief power couple that existed was Kris Kristofferson and the late psychedelic hero Janis Joplin.

Did Kris Kristofferson fly helicopters in Vietnam? Kristofferson, the son of a US Army officer, was a champion college sportsman before following his father into military service. He graduated from West Point and became a helicopter pilot, finishing his military service in 1965 just as the Vietnam War was unfolding.

Why is a harmonica called a harpoon?

The more sanitized version considers the “Harpoon” as a slang word for harmonica. The second interpretation considers it a hypodermic needle, since a bandana was often used to tie off the arm before an addict shot up. >>

Where did the phrase work cut out for you?

The idiom to have one’s work cut out dates back to the 1600s, when to have all one’s work cut out meant that one was prepared to tackle a project. Later, the term came to mean that someone had assigned you an arduous task.

What do you call a person with nothing?

loon. a worthless lazy fellow. shirker, slacker. a person who shirks his work or duty (especially one who tries to evade military service in wartime) slug, sluggard.

What does nothing to prove mean?

: to not have to do anything more to show that one is skillful, successful, etc. I’ve accomplished everything I wanted to; I’ve got nothing left to prove.

What did Janis Joplin mean by freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose?

This is what he said in an interview, “It definitely expressed the double-edged sword that freedom is. You may be free but it can be painful to be that free. But maybe at the very end, when you leave, you will be free when you’ve nothing else to lose, you know, when you’re gone.”

Did Janis Joplin ever have a boyfriend?

Joplin became engaged to Peter de Blanc in the fall of 1965. She had begun a relationship with him toward the end of her first stint in San Francisco.

Did Janis Joplin date Robert Plant?

British musician and Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant and Janis Joplin were rumored to have had a relationship for four months before Janis Joplin died, aged 27.

What is Janis Joplin’s estate worth?

Estate Value: According to the terms of her will, Janis directed that half of her estate be left to her parents and 1/4 each be given to her two surviving siblings Laura and Michael.

Janis Joplin Net Worth.

Net Worth: $2 Million
Profession: Singer, Songwriter
Nationality: United States of America

Is Harpoon a harmonica slang?

The “harpoon” is slang for harmonica. It was a harmonica being played while Bobby sang. Barry from New York, NcYou can see a live version of this by Kris Kristofferson in the film MESSAGE TO LOVE, which is about the Isle of Wight Fesival in August 1970.

Who inherited Janis Joplin’s money?

Estate Value: According to the terms of her will, Janis directed that half of her estate be left to her parents and 1/4 each be given to her two surviving siblings Laura and Michael. Upon her parents’ passings, the full control was split evenly by Laura and Michael.

What does freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose mean?

chappachula: The first line (“freedom = nothing left to lose”): means that being free isn’t the most important thing in the world. In the exciting atmosphere of new found freedom during the hippy 60’s, that was an unusual statement.

Why do they call harmonica a harp?

The term is partly inspired by the Aeolian harp, a stringed instrument that is left outdoors to be played by the wind, whose name was taken from Aeolus the god of the wind. Early names for the harmonica were Aeolina, Aeolian and Mund-Aeoline, which stressed this link with the Aeolian harp.

What does it mean to harpoon someone?

to strike, catch, or kill with or as if with a harpoon.

What is Jimi Hendrix estate worth?

New recordings released over the past decade have just kept his fortune growing. Today, Jimi Hendrix’s estate has a net worth of $175 million, which is pretty damn impressive considering he only recorded four albums and died 49 years ago.

How much is Jim Morrison’s estate worth today?

Jim Morrison Net Worth: Jim Morrison was an American rock singer, poet and songwriter who had a net worth of $400 thousand dollars at the time of his death. That’s equal to roughly $2.5 million in today’s dollars after adjusting for inflation.

How much is Jim Morrison’s estate worth?

Doors front-man Jim Morrison died young at just 27 years of age, in 1971, from a heroin overdose. While his estate had limited cash when Morrison died, the assets in his estate became worth around $80 million.

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