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What happened to Kaylee ehrmantraut dad?

What happened to Kaylee ehrmantraut dad?

Matthew “Matt” Ehrmantraut, often referred to as “Matty”, was the son of Mike Ehrmantraut, the husband of Stacey and the father of Kaylee Ehrmantraut. He worked as a police officer in Philadelphia for two years before he was killed.

Then, Was Mike killed in breaking bad? When Walt learns that the DEA is on the verge of arresting Mike, he helps Mike avoid capture. However, when Mike refuses to hand over the names of Gus’ imprisoned men, Walt shoots Mike. As Mike bleeds out, Walt tries to justify his actions. “Shut the f—- up,” Mike interrupts, “and let me die in peace.”

What did Walter do with Mike’s body?

Later in the season, Walt and Todd use hydrofluoric acid to dispose of Mike’s body after Walt shot him in a fit of rage (“Gliding Over All”).

Likewise Who stopped Mike from killing Hector? That man is none other than Gus Fring. Mike learns that Gus does not want Hector killed. For one, he could be suspected.

Who killed Matty in Better Call Saul? Hoffman and Fensky murdered Matt because his hesitation made them fear that he would turn them in. Stacey asks Mike who killed Hoffman and Fensky.

Who kills Hank in Breaking Bad?

Hank refuses to beg for his life and asks Walt how such an intelligent man could be too naive to see that Jack had already made his decision. Hank then tells Jack to do what he has to do and Jack kills him with a shot to the head.

Who kills Walter White?

After Krazy-8 promises not to retaliate, Walt starts to unlock the lock to let Krazy-8 go, but sees him reach for a broken piece of plate to stab Walt with as soon as he was freed. Walt panics and garrotes him to death with the lock.

Did Walt poison the kid?

The truth is that Walt did poison Brock — just not with ricin. Instead, he used a Lily of the Valley plant which was growing in his backyard. The effects of ingesting the flower mimicked the ricin that Jesse assumed Brock had eaten.

Did Walt lose all his money?

Revenge. Jack & Todd stole 80% of his money and killed Hank and Steve. It was this action that finally destroyed Walt’s chance to simply return to his family. To protect his family from being threatened by Jack & Todd.

Did Gretchen and Elliot give the money?

Keep in mind, however, that in addition to the lifetime gift exemption, Elliot and Gretchen each have a $14,000 annual gift exclusion, or $28,000 total. So of the $9,720,000 gift they make to Walter Jr., $9,692,000 will represent a taxable gift, with $28,000 coming out of their annual gift exemption.

What happens to Skyler after Walt dies?

It is revealed that Skyler is eventually forced to move into an apartment and takes a job as a taxi dispatcher, having all their assets seized. She still maintains custody of the children, however (“Granite State”).

What is Walter White’s IQ?

Aggregated ratings for 400 descriptions

Item Average rating Number of raters
high IQ (not low IQ) 93.7 365
driven (not unambitious) 93.1 373
persistent (not quitter) 93.0 64
important (not irrelevant) 92.3 141

How much money did Walter White leave his son?

For his son, Walter left a sum of 9 Million dollars as a parting gift. Walter then started walking on his path of revenge and make sure Jack’s White Supremacist gang pays for what they did to him.

Did Gretchen cheat on Walt?

Gretchen cheats on Walt with Elliot. Heartbroken and betrayed, Walt leaves Gretchen and Elliott and, in the process, all of Gray Matter. The show never spelled it out clearly, but there were enough hints to point to what seems an obvious and believable reason as to why Walt left.

What happens to Marie after Hank dies?

Marie cut Skyler and the rest of the White family out her life following Hank’s death. It was understandable that her mental state took a hit considering the trauma she endured. Marie was shown to still be in a state of depression in the finale, insinuating that she was still uneasy that Walt was still out there.

Does Walt Jr ever find out?

Although the cancer-stricken teacher is slowly becoming a force to be reckoned with, he’s still the same old shy and mild-mannered father, husband, and brother-in-law back home. Walt’s constant battle to keep his new hobby secret from his wife Skyler runs throughout most of Breaking Bad, but Walt is especially …

How much money does Walt leave his family?

In the begining he only wanted to make $737,000 to leave them. He ended up leaving them 9+ Million, I think he was happy with that. Maybe towards the end he was doing it for himself, but at the beginning it was mostly for the money and possibly a little for the thrill.

Was Mike’s son a dirty cop?

So Mike revealed to his son that he was also a dirty cop and there’s nothing wrong with taking dirty money, the bad guys are caught in the end no matter what. Matt put his father on a pedestal before, and this revelation left him devastated. Matt eventually decided to follow his father’s advice and took the money.

How much money does Skyler get?

One of its units was rented by Skyler White to store the ~$80 million fortune earned by her husband, Walter, from manufacturing and selling methamphetamine.


First Last
“Gliding Over All” “Buried”

Who killed Matt in Better Call Saul?

Hoffman and Fensky murdered Matt because his hesitation made them fear that he would turn them in. Stacey asks Mike who killed Hoffman and Fensky.

Who killed Mike Ehrmantraut?

When Walt learns that the DEA is on the verge of arresting Mike, he helps Mike avoid capture. However, when Mike refuses to hand over the names of Gus’ imprisoned men, Walt shoots Mike.

What happened to Kaylee Ehrmantraut dad?

Matthew “Matt” Ehrmantraut, often referred to as “Matty”, was the son of Mike Ehrmantraut, the husband of Stacey and the father of Kaylee Ehrmantraut. He worked as a police officer in Philadelphia for two years before he was killed.

Is Walter White in Better Call Saul?

Better Call Saul co-creator Peter Gould already confirmed America’s favorite meth lab coworkers, Walter White (Bryan Cranston) and Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), would be reprising their Breaking Bad roles this season.

How did Mike know who killed his son?

They believed he could become a whistleblower so they killed him. The ambush was staged and there was no evidence that police officers were involved, but Mike knew better. He eventually tracked down the cops who killed his son and murdered them in the same fashion.

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