How Much Can John Cena bench press?

How much could Arnold Schwarzenegger bench press? 38-Year-Old John Cena Bench-Presses an Impressive 463 Pounds

A 38-year-old bench-pressing 463 pounds is almost unbelievable.

Accordingly, How much does Sylvester Stallone bench press? Sylvester Stallone

Reports suggest Stallone was able to bench press 385-400 lbs (174.6-181.4 kg) and squat 500 lbs (226.8 kg) in his prime, however, a bench press contest with former Mr Olympia-turned-trainer for Rocky II, Franco Columbu ended in tragedy.

How many pounds can Batman lift?

Batman bench presses between 800-1,000 pounds, military presses 500-600 pounds, and curls 300-350 pounds!! Again for a mere mortal, that is unbelievable. Bruce’s lung capacity is so great he can hold his breath underwater for 4-7 minutes and can survive in an airless environment for 45 seconds!

Further, Is it possible to bench 1000 pounds? Gene Rychlak is the first man to bench press over 1,000 lb with a lift of 1,004 lb (455 kg) in November. Scot Mendelson presses 457 kg (1,008 lb) (February 18) in a powerlifting exhibition called Fit Expo in Pasadena, California.

How much can WWE Superstars bench press? Ryback bench press challenge with 225 pounds was very impressive. The speed and sheer amount of reps that they did was phenomenal. It was cool to see live.

How much does Brad Pitt bench?

How much could BRAD PITT bench press? 280 lbs. (127 kg.)

How much can Kevin Hart bench?

Kevin Hart: 3 Reps of a 225-Pound Bench Press at 150 Pounds Bodyweight.

How Much Can Michael B Jordan bench press?

“He bench-pressed 315 pounds, twice,” Calliet says. “That’s a lot!”


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