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How many times was Betty White on Saturday Night Live?

How many times was Betty White on Saturday Night Live?

When was the last time Betty White was on SNL? Late television icon Betty White once revealed she rejected offers to host Saturday Night Live three times before something special changed her mind. What made her decide to take on the gig she called a “terrifying proposition”?

Accordingly, What female has hosted SNL the most? Several former cast members have returned to take on hosting duties. Original cast member Chevy Chase has hosted the most times, eight in total. Tina Fey follows behind, having hosted six times, while Bill Murray and Will Ferrell have hosted five times.

Who is the youngest person to host SNL?

In 1982, 7-year-old Drew Barrymore became the youngest person ever to host SNL.

Further, What Saturday Night Live episode was Betty White the host of? Jay-Z dedicated his performance of “Young Forever” to “the most incredible Betty White.” A Facebook campaign (yes, it really was 2010) recruited hundreds of thousands of fans to petition to have White host SNL after a viral Snickers bar campaign. During its original premiere, the episode drew over 12 million viewers.

Who is the oldest person to host SNL? Betty White hosted SNL when she was 88 years old

She holds the title as the oldest host by a significant margin, with the next in line being Ruth Gordon and Miskel Spillman, who both hosted their respective episodes at the still impressive age of 80 (via

Who said the F word on SNL?

The first-ever person to accidentally curse on SNL is Paul Schaffer, the Canadian was flexing his acting muscles during a sketch and things ended terribly. As part of a joke, every other word in the skit was ‘flogging’ and Schaffer did incredibly well until towards the end when he made a Freudian slip.

Which SNL cast member has been on the longest?

‘SNL’: Longest Running Cast Members, From Jason Sudeikis to Kenan Thompson (Photos)

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