How do Cajuns say hello?

Basic Vocabulary

Cajun French English
Bonjour Hello
Comment ça va? How’s it going?
Comment les affaires? How are things?
Comment c’est? How is it?

Then, How do you say crazy in Cajun? C’est fou means that’s crazy, or he’s crazy.

What race is Cajun?

Cajuns include people with Irish and Spanish ancestry, and to a lesser extent of Germans and Italians; Many also have Native American, African and Afro-Latin Creole admixture. Historian Carl A. Brasseaux asserted that this process of mixing created the Cajuns in the first place.

Likewise What do Cajuns say when food is good? Bayou (bi-yoo) – The streams crisscrossing Louisiana. Bon Appetit! (bon a-pet-tite’) – Good appetite – or “Enjoy!”

What does Yaya mean in New Orleans? There is also a Yoruban word ya-ya, meaning “eldest daughter,” and in New Orleans, the food capital of the South, the term has developed a colloquial meaning through the phrase “gumbo ya-ya,” a rich local soup featuring sometimes seafood, sometimes meat, always vegetables and rice.

What does Baw mean in Cajun?

Everywhere Else: Boy – In Cajun Country: BAW

“Baw” has taken on a life of its own here in Acadiana. It can be used to describe a male human being.

What does Papa mean in Cajun?

Definition, Meaning [en]

papa – one’s father.

What race is a Cajun?

Cajuns include people with Irish and Spanish ancestry, and to a lesser extent of Germans and Italians; Many also have Native American, African and Afro-Latin Creole admixture. Historian Carl A. Brasseaux asserted that this process of mixing created the Cajuns in the first place.

What nationality is the true Cajun?

Cajuns are the French colonists who settled the Canadian maritime provinces (Nova Scotia and New Brunswick) in the 1600s. The settlers named their region “Acadia,” and were known as “Acadians.”

Which is hotter Cajun or Creole?

While spicy dishes are found in both cuisines, every dish isn’t necessarily spicy…it all depends on how much cayenne pepper is used in the recipe. Cajun dishes tend to be a bit hotter than Creole.

What makes a person Cajun?

Cajun, descendant of Roman Catholic French Canadians whom the British, in the 18th century, drove from the captured French colony of Acadia (now Nova Scotia and adjacent areas) and who settled in the fertile bayou lands of southern Louisiana. The Cajuns today form small, compact, generally self-contained communities.

What is the Cajun word for crazy?

The definition of a Couyon: Cajun French term for a foolish or crazy person.

What are some Cajun sayings?

8 Fun Cajun Sayings

  • “Laissez les bon temps rouler” …
  • “Fais-do-do” …
  • “Holy Trinity” …
  • “Cher” …
  • “Pirogues” …
  • “Gris gris” …
  • “Lagniappe” …
  • “How’s ya mama an’ them?”

What does Couyon mean in Cajun?

Couyon (coo-yawn) – A Cajun French term used to describe a foolish person. Sha (sha) – Cajun and Creole slang, derived from the French “cher”.

What does SHA mean in Cajun?

Louisiana Cajun and Creole slang, derived from the French cher 1. Term of affection meaning darling, dear, or sweetheart 2.


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