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Did Beth know she was going to be sterilized?

Why did Jamie sterilize Beth? A hysterectomy is a major surgical procedure, and Beth was not shown coming home as if she were recovering from something on that scale. Plus, Beth did not learn about getting sterilized until after the fact. A hysterectomy would have been impossible for Beth to miss.

Accordingly, What did Jamie do to Beth when she was pregnant? What is this? According to a reveal by Yellowstone stars, Jamie believes he acted in his sister’s best interest by having Beth sterilized. Taking her to an abortion clinic at the Indian Reservation was the only way to keep the incident from John and protect Rip as well.

Why did Beth have to get sterilized?

To protect the family name, Beth turned to Jamie for help, and he insisted they go to a clinic on a Native American reservation. Once there, Jamie was told that an abortion was only possible under the strict guideline that Beth undergo sterilization.

Further, Why did the Duttons adopt Jamie? Why did Jon and Evelyn Dutton adopt Jamie? Yellowstone fans found out in season 3 that Jamie was adopted by John and Evelyn Dutton when he was just three months old. The story goes that Jamie’s biological father murdered his mother, and was then sent to prison.

Why does the Dutton family hate Jamie? Instead, the main source of the animus seems to be a mistrust of Jamie because he is not a biological Dutton. The latest angle for why Beth hates Jamie, and his father is deeply suspicious of him relates to the assassination attempts on John, Beth, and Kayce.

What did Beth text rip before she was attacked?

Rip saving Beth’s life

Beth has really been through the wringer more times than one, but in season two, she gets brutally attacked at her office by two masked gunmen. She manages to get a text sent to Rip saying “office help” just before they start savagely beating her and her assistant, Jason.

Who is John Dutton’s favorite child?

So much has happened in Yellowstone’s first few seasons that it’s easy to forget John Dutton had four children in the series pilot. His oldest son Lee was his favorite, and he was the heir to the family business.

Why was Beth sterilized in Yellowstone?

Beth hates Jamie on Yellowstone because he is the reason she can’t have biological children. As a teenager, Beth got pregnant with Rip’s baby and asked Jamie for help. Without telling her, he took her to a native American abortion clinic that requires sterilization as part of the process.

Does rip know Beth is sterile?

Option Two: Beth tells her new husband Rip about all this, and how Jamie orchestrated his sister’s abortion at a Native American free clinic, even though he knew but didn’t tell his sister that it meant sterilization for her and no chance to start a family when she was ready.

Does rip know Beth was pregnant?

She’s referring of course to the pregnancy when she was younger that ended when Jamie took her to the clinic that left her unable to conceive. Reilly pointed out, “Rip also doesn’t know she was pregnant with his child.”

Does rip know he got Beth pregnant?

Reilly explained: “Well, she has a secret, doesn’t she, that Rip doesn’t know about. He knows that she can’t have children, but he doesn’t know why. “Rip also doesn’t know she was pregnant with his child.

What did Beth whisper to Willa on Yellowstone?

In one scene, Beth is seen entering her office and she finds Willa sitting at her desk, looking smug. Beth proclaims that Willa is in her seat and she responds: “Not any more, this is my desk now, my computer, my office furniture. What’s that saying cowboys use? F*** with the bull and you get the horns.

Do Beth and rip adopt Carter?

A botched abortion led to a hysterectomy when she was young, and she is unable to have children. So when she and Rip (Cole Hauser) essentially adopt Carter (Finn Little), her maternal side that she’d been pushing off and repressing for most of her life comes to the surface.

What did Kayce tell Monica he saw?

In a new interview, actor Luke Grimes, who plays Kayce Dutton on the hit show, opens up about Kayce’s vision quest, which ended with him telling his wife Monica (Kelsey Asbille), “I saw the end of us.”

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