Why does my pie crust shrink in the oven?

There are lots of reasons this could happen – oven temperature is too low or too high, the dough has been overworked or is too warm – and there are plenty of tricks to supposedly prevent this (special pans, pie weights, beans, freezing the crust, and so on), but even so the crust often shrinks and becomes cracked and ….

Why does my pastry shrink in the oven?

Water evaporates during baking, and this evaporation causes shrinkage. Therefore, the more water you add, the more shrinkage that will occur. Properly mixed pastry will lubricate the flour with the butter, and a minimal amount of water should be needed to hold it together.

Why did my pie sink in the middle?

The fact is, all baked goods shrink as they cool due to the evaporation of moisture during baking; with a pie, the filling and crust are shrinking in opposite directions, which often results in separation.

How long should you Prebake a pie crust?

If you are pre-baking a store-bought frozen packaged crust, I recommend following the directions on the package for how to pre-bake that particular crust. Most instructions will have you defrost the crust, prick the bottom of the crust all over with the tines of a fork, and bake at 375°F to 450°F for 10 to 12 minutes.

How do you blind bake a pie crust without pie weights?

If you’re blind-baking and don’t have pie weights, try using: ① Dried beans: Set parchment paper or foil on top of the dough, then fill ‘er up with dried beans. ② Rice kernels: Use parchment paper or foil here, too, plus rice.

Should you poke holes in bottom of pie crust?

This baking time is just for the crust, not a filled pie. However, the crust can be used for a filled by, the baking time will vary for each recipe. For a filled pie, do not poke holes in the crust.

What can I use to weight down pie crust?

Put that big bag of rice in your pantry to good use! It’s perfect for weighing down a pie crust—just use enough to cover the bottom. Just be sure to use uncooked rice, as cooked rice gets fluffy and lightweight. Set aside a bag of popcorn kernels to use as a pie weights substitute!

What temperature should I Prebake my pie crust at?

Heat the oven and roll out the pie crust.

Heat the oven to 425°F with a rack in the lower-middle position. Roll out the pie crust and transfer it to your pie plate as normal (see more on this here). Trim the edges and crimp.

What does vinegar do to a pie crust? Vinegar helps tenderize pie dough because it slightly inhibits gluten development, leading to a crust that is flakier and easier to work with. The great thing about vinegar is that you really only need a little bit of it to help your dough, so you won’t know what that “secret ingredient” after baking!

What is the cause of shrinking dough?

Shortcrust pastry (pie crust) shrinks when baked as the glutens in the flour tend to contract in the heat of the oven.

What happens if you put too much butter in a pie crust?


If the butter chunks are too big, you’ll have melted butter leaking from your pie crust as it bakes. If they are too small because they’ve been worked into the dough too much, you won’t have as much air separating your layers, producing a more dense crust.

What happens if you overwork pie dough?

Pie doughs fail when they come out tough, not tender and flaky. Usually due to overworking, this can happen either during the initial mixing or during rolling and shaping.

Why is it important to chill the pastry in the fridge?

Pastry must always be chilled in a fridge after making. This helps it to relax which in turn will help to prevent it shrinking on baking. Additionally, instead of trimming excess pastry from a tart case before baking blind you could also leave it overhanging the tin.

Is butter or Crisco better for pie crust?

The Pie Crust Takeaways

Butter made a tastier, flakier, sturdier crust by far. This isn’t to say that shortening and lard aren’t useful ingredients. Shortening is a great way to get incredibly tender desserts.

Should you knead pie dough? Keep in mind that the pie dough won’t come together in the bowl. The dough will be shaggy and moist and need a kneading on the countertop. The dough mixture will be shaggy but all of the flour and butter bits will be moistened.

What temperature do you bake a pie crust at? Steps

  1. Heat oven to 475°F. Mix flour and salt in medium bowl.
  2. Gather pastry into a ball. Shape into flattened round on lightly floured surface.
  3. Roll pastry, using floured rolling pin, into circle 2 inches larger than upside-down 9-inch glass pie plate.
  4. Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until light brown; cool on wire rack.

Why is it important to chill the pie dough before using it? Tip: Chilling hardens the fat in the dough, which will help the crust maintain its structure as it bakes. And the short rest before rolling relaxes the dough’s gluten, helping prevent a tough crust.

Why does my dough shrink after rolling?

A pizza dough that keeps shrinking is caused by an overly strong gluten network in the dough. This can be fixed in the following ways: Proofing the dough for longer as gluten relaxes over time. Bring dough to room temperature as gluten is tighter when cold.

How do you stretch dough?

Pinch the edge of your dough as you rotate it in your hands. As you rotate, the dough should stretch into a large, thin circle. This method is useful if you prefer a large, thin pizza crust. If you prefer a thicker crust, grab your dough disk closer to the middle when rotating.

How do you keep dough from springing back?

How to Stop Pizza Dough from Shrinking

  1. Scale and ball the dough immediately after mixing.
  2. Place the dough balls in plastic dough boxes and wipe the top of the dough balls with salad oil.
  3. Cross-stack the dough boxes in the cooler for at least two hours before down-stacking the boxes.

Should you bake pies on a cookie sheet?

It’s always a good idea to bake pies on a baking sheet. Not only does it make it easier to get the pies in and out of the oven, but a sheet pan will catch any filling that bubbles over. It’s much easier to clean a foil lined baking sheet than the bottom of your oven.

Can you bake a pie on parchment paper?

Parchment is key to Susan Reid’s favorite method for pie crust (above). You’ll be amazed at how easy pie crust is with parchment as your partner. Pre-baking pie shells just became easy as, well, pie.

Why does my dough keep shrinking?

A pizza dough that keeps shrinking is caused by an overly strong gluten network in the dough. This can be fixed in the following ways: Proofing the dough for longer as gluten relaxes over time. Bring dough to room temperature as gluten is tighter when cold.

What temperature is best for making pie crust?

The ideal temperature is usually “room temperature”—generally considered to be 68-72°F. Before you roll out the dough, you want the dough disc to feel like a cold stick of butter.

Should pie crust be prebaked? But the one surefire way to make absolutely certain your pie’s crust will be golden brown, crisp, and delicious — just as appealing as its filling — is to prebake it. That’s right: bake the bottom crust first, before adding the filling.


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