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What is today’s corn price?

Commodities news

Commodity Last price/ contract Today’s change
Corn As of Jun 17 2022 19:19 BST. 784.50 USc 0.00 0.00%
Soybeans As of Jun 17 2022 19:19 BST. 1,702.00 USc 0.00 0.00%
Soybean Meal As of Jun 17 2022 19:19 BST. 438.10 USD 0.00 0.00%
Sugar #11 As of Jun 17 2022 17:59 BST. 18.58 USc 0.00 0.00%


What is the current price for a bushel of corn?

The current price of corn as of June 15, 2022 is $7.7400 per bushel.

How much does a bag of Pioneer seed corn cost?

Farmers in Mississippi and Iowa are paying the highest average prices for Pioneer ®, with the average price per bag coming in near $280. North Dakota farmers are getting the best average price on Pioneer ® brand seeds at around $210 per bag. Dekalb is a registered trademark of the Monsanto Company.

What is the most profitable crop per acre?

Bamboo. Bamboo is one of the most profitable crops to grow per acre. It can bring in lots of revenue, but the catch is it takes about three (3) years for the bamboo to get “established” once planted.

What is a good corn yield per acre?

Corn yield in the United States is estimated at a record high 177.0 bushels per acre, 5.6 bushels above the 2020 yield of 171.4 bushels per acre.

How can I make money with 10 acres?

Check them out below!

  1. How To Make Money On 10 Acres: Grow Small Acreage Crops.
  2. Raise Animals For Food.
  3. Sell Your Own Products From Your Plants or Animals.
  4. Set Up Structures or Rent Out The Land.
  5. Create Classes To Teach People About The Outdoors.
  6. Less Common Ways For How To Make Money On 10 Acres Of Land.

How much do farmers make per acre of corn?

For 2020, the projected corn yield is 228 bushels per acre, the corn price is $4.25 per bushel, resulting in $969 per acre in crop revenue.

How much does it cost to put in an acre of corn?

Total non-land costs are projected at $755 per acre for corn, a $124 increase over the $631 per acres cost in 2021 (see Table 1).

How much do farmers make on an acre of corn? Similarly, 2021 values are projections. For 2020, the projected corn yield is 228 bushels per acre, the corn price is $4.25 per bushel, resulting in $969 per acre in crop revenue.

How much profit is in an acre of corn?

For 2020, the projected corn yield is 228 bushels per acre, the corn price is $4.25 per bushel, resulting in $969 per acre in crop revenue.

What does a bushel of corn sell for?

Average cost per bushel has been between $1.25 and $1.95 in the cash corn division and $1.13 and $1.81 in the livestock corn division.

How much is an acre of corn worth 2021?

Farmer returns in 2021 are projected to be $378 per acre for corn and $305 per acre for soybeans. These returns are at record levels and will result in very high incomes in 2021. Farmer returns for 2022 are projected at $61 per acre for corn and $67 per acre for soybeans, down considerably from 2021 levels.

What is the most profitable crop to grow?

Top 13 Most Profitable Crops To Grow

How many pounds of fertilizer does it take to grow an acre of corn?

For corn, if the fertility level is good, a small amount of fertilizer (about 100 pounds of starter per acre) will provide an adequate starter response. Do not apply more than 70 pounds of N + K2O per acre if the fertilizer is placed approximately 2 inches away from the seed.

Will corn prices go up in 2021? The WASDE forecast for the season average price of corn for 2021/22 was $5.45 per bushel at the time of this writing. This is the price that is relevant for projecting total acreage for 2022.

How much does a farmer make off an acre of corn? The last time corn returns exceeded $466 per acre was in 2021, when returns were $630 per acre. From 2013 to 2019, corn returns averaged $253 per acre, well below the 2019 projected return. The 2019 projected return is $89 per acre above the average 2013-2019 average return.

How much is a bushel of corn in 2021? In its May 2022 World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimate (WASDE) report, the Office of the Chief Economist projected corn at $5.90 per bushel for the 2021 marketing year, well above the $4.22 average from 2002 to 2020.

How many bushels are in a ton of corn?

Bushel Equivalents Per Tonne

Canola/Rapeseed 44.0920
Corn 39.3680
Faba Beans 2 36.7440
Soybeans 36.7440

How much does 1000 bushel of corn weigh?

However a 60,000 lb load at 60 lb test weight is a 1000 bushels.

How much does a 5 gallon bucket of corn weight?

bucket? I think a five gallon bucket will hold 32lbs of ddgs,about 42lbs of whole shelled corn.

How many tons of corn will one acre produce?

Based on Plant Height –

On this basis, “waist-high” corn at 3 to 4 feet will produce about 3 to 4 tons per acre of silage at 30 percent dry matter (about 1 ton per acre of dry matter).

How many acres will a bag of corn plant?

The Seed Market

Crop Price per bag Number of acres each bag will plant
Corn $89.90 3
Soybeans $15.49 1
Wheat $11.25 2/3

How much does it cost to seed an acre of corn?

Typical seed costs on a per acre basis can vary between $40 to $70 for corn and $25 to $50 for soybean, depending on the desired plant population, variety/seed lot, seed quality and seed cost per bag.

What is the average price for a bag of seed corn?

We use the University of Illinois Farm Business Management 2019 Crop Budgets to establish a representative price for seed corn. A simple average across the four crop budget scenarios suggests a per acre cost of $113.50. Using a seeding rate of 34,000, we calculate the average per bag/unit cost to be approximately $267.

What is the easiest cash crop to grow? Cash Crops for Small Farm Profit

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