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What is the edible part of clove?

Answer. Flower buds are edible part of cloves..

Which part is edible in onion?

fleshy stem.

What is the edible part of cinnamon?

Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum), also called Ceylon cinnamon, is a bushy evergreen tree of the laurel family (Lauraceae) and the spice derived from its bark. The spice consists of the dried inner bark and has a delicately fragrant aroma and a warm sweet flavor.

Which is the edible part of tomato?

The endocarp and mesocarp are fused to form a pulp. Because of the pericarp and the skin, the tomato is fleshy. The inner wall, columella, radial wall, and the outer wall constitute pericarp. This pericarp and placenta together form fleshy tissue of tomato which is the edible part.

Which part of potato is edible?

by M. J. Stephens, Department of Horticulture University of Florida

Vegetable Common Edible Parts Other Edible Parts
Potatoes, Sweet roots leaves and stem shoots
Radish roots leaves
Squash fruit with seeds seeds, flowers, young leaves
Tomato fruits with seeds ———-

What is the edible part of spinach?

The edible leaves are arranged in a rosette, from which a seed stalk emerges. The simple leaves are somewhat triangular or ovate and may be flat or puckered. The flowers are inconspicuous and produce small dry fruits.

Which is the edible part of banana?

The edible part of banana is endocarp and the less developed mesocarp. Bananas are berries developing from the multicarpellary or monocarpellary syncarpous ovaries. The endocarp is membranous and thin, the mesocarp is fleshy while the epicarp forms the rind of the fruit.

What is the edible part of radish?

Radishes are most commonly seen as the small red bulbs with broad, green leaf tops. It is a root vegetable; but has a much more distinct peppery taste compared to turnips or beets. Radishes are related to mustard seeds. All parts of a radish—the bulbs, seeds, and leaf tops—are edible.

What is edible part of coconut? The part of the coconut that is usually eaten (as coconut “meat” and water) is the endosperm.

Which is the edible part of ginger?

Rhizome is the edible part of ginger.

What is the edible part of spinach?

When we eat spinach or lettuce, we are eating the plant’s leaves.

What is the edible part of carrot?

The edible part of a carrot is a taproot. It is a biennial plant which grows a rosette of leaves in the spring and summer while building up the stout taproot, which stores large amounts of sugars for the plant to flower in the second year. The flowering stem grows to about 1 m tall, with umbels of white flowers.

What are the edible parts of ginger and onion?

Underground stem in ginger, the rhizome is edible. Modified thick and fleshy leaves of onion that forms the bulb are edible.

Which part of lemon is edible?

In a fruit, the endocarp is the inner layer surrounding the seed. In Hesperidium type of fruit, the epicarp forms the cover, the mesocarp is fibrous and the endocarp bends inwards giving rise to a chamber from which hair-like structures are formed. These are juicy and form the edible part in orange and lemon.

Which part of the plant is garlic? The garlic plant itself has a bulb, tall stem, and long leaves. Although the leaves and flowers of the plant are also edible, the bulb — comprised of 10–20 cloves — is most frequently eaten. It’s covered in a paper-like husk that’s typically removed before consumption.

What is the edible part of coffee? A coffee bean is a seed of the Coffea plant and the source for coffee. It is the pip inside the red or purple fruit often referred to as a cherry. Just like ordinary cherries, the coffee fruit is also a so-called stone fruit.

Coffee bean.

Roasted coffee beans
Region of origin Horn of Africa and South Arabia

What is the edible part of turmeric?

The edible part is the underground stem, or rhizome. It’s small and knobby, with dark orange flesh and a thin brown peel. It looks similar to ginger, another rhizome in the same family of plants.

What is the edible part of sugarcane?

In sugarcane, the food made by the plant is stored in the stem. Stem is edible of the sugarcane plant.

What is edible part of cauliflower?

Typically, only the head is eaten – the edible white flesh sometimes called “curd” (with a similar appearance to cheese curd). The cauliflower head is composed of a white inflorescence meristem. Cauliflower heads resemble those in broccoli, which differs in having flower buds as the edible portion.

What is the edible part of chilli?

Chili is considered as fruit and except for its stem, whole of chili is edible.

What is the edible part of black pepper?

The edible part of the black pepper plant is is fruit. Black pepper belongs to the Piperaceae Family. The fruit of the black pepper plant is known as peppercorn. The fruit is transformed into an edible seasoning by extracting water from it and drying it completely.

Which part of cardamom is edible?

Cardamom is a spice made from the seed pods of various plants in the ginger family. Cardamom pods are spindle-shaped and have a triangular cross-section. The pods contain a number of seeds, but the entire cardamom pod can be used whole or ground.

What is the edible part of cabbage?

The edible part of cabbage is the leaves.

Which is the edible part of Apple? False fruit or pseudocarp is derived from the accessory floral parts other than ovary. Apple is actually a false fruit. The main edible part of an apple is actually juicy receptacle of a flower i.e., thalamus.

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