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What is corn price today?

Commodities news

Commodity Last price/ contract Today’s change
Corn As of Jun 17 2022 19:19 BST. 784.50 USc 0.00 0.00%
Soybeans As of Jun 17 2022 19:19 BST. 1,702.00 USc 0.00 0.00%
Soybean Meal As of Jun 17 2022 19:19 BST. 438.10 USD 0.00 0.00%
Sugar #11 As of Jun 17 2022 17:59 BST. 18.58 USc 0.00 0.00%


How many seeds are in a 50 lb bag of corn?

However, even though the technology fee in this example is based on 4,600/230,000 seeds, in extreme cases there could actually be between 205,000 and 255,000 seeds in the 50-pound bag due to natural variation in seed size.

What is the highest corn price ever?

Corn futures on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) topped $8 per bushel on Monday, the highest price in nearly a decade.

What does it cost to plant 1 acre of corn?

Total non-land costs are projected at $755 per acre for corn, a $124 increase over the $631 per acres cost in 2021 (see Table 1).

How many acres does a bag of corn cover?

Like everyone said corn is 80,000 per bag and for you planting 36,000 you can do 2.22 acres per bag.

How much does a farmer make off an acre of corn?

The last time corn returns exceeded $466 per acre was in 2021, when returns were $630 per acre. From 2013 to 2019, corn returns averaged $253 per acre, well below the 2019 projected return. The 2019 projected return is $89 per acre above the average 2013-2019 average return.

Do corn farmers make money?

The profitability of corn production over the years has been marked by spikes of high profitability interspersed with long periods of low and flat profitability. The income, costs, and net returns per acre for a hypothetical Iowa tenant corn farmer from the year 2000 to the present show this trend in Figure 1.

What is the most profitable crop per acre?

Bamboo. Bamboo is one of the most profitable crops to grow per acre. It can bring in lots of revenue, but the catch is it takes about three (3) years for the bamboo to get “established” once planted.

How much corn do you need for 1 acre of seed? Amount. For an acre of a regular sweet corn planted as mentioned above, you will need 9 to 10 pounds of seed per acre. For super-sweet corn patches, you’ll only need 5 to 6 pounds of seed per acre.

How much is a bushel of corn price?

Unit conversion for Corn Price Today

Conversion Corn Price Price
1 Bushel ≈ 0,035 m³ Corn Price Per 1 m³ 220.21 USD
1 Bushel ≈ 35,239 Liter Corn Price Per 1 Liter 0.22 USD

How much corn does it take to plant an acre?

“Planting 34,000 seeds per acre for irrigated corn and 24,000 to 30,000 for rainfed corn, depending on expected yield, with 30-inch row spacing is expected on average to give the best net returns.”

What does a bushel of corn sell for?

Average cost per bushel has been between $1.25 and $1.95 in the cash corn division and $1.13 and $1.81 in the livestock corn division.

How much does a bag of Pioneer seed corn cost?

Farmers in Mississippi and Iowa are paying the highest average prices for Pioneer ®, with the average price per bag coming in near $280. North Dakota farmers are getting the best average price on Pioneer ® brand seeds at around $210 per bag. Dekalb is a registered trademark of the Monsanto Company.

How much seed do I need for 1 acre?

Calculate the pounds of grass seed needed.

43.56 is the number you get when you divide the size of an acre by 1,000. Multiply the manufacturer’s recommended pounds of seed per 1,000 square feet by 43.56 to get the amount you need per acre.

What is the best corn to plant for deer? The best corn to plant for deer food plots is field corn. Choose late-maturing varieties if you want to leave corn standing in the plot for winter feeding. Avoid white corn and silage corn.

What is corn selling for now? The current price of corn as of May 31, 2022 is $7.5350 per bushel.

How much do farmers sell corn for? Corn in 2020

For 2020, corn revenue is projected at $699 per acre, based on a 215 bushel per acre yield and a $3.25 per bushel price.

How much is a bushel of corn in lbs?

Section 600.TABLE B Standard Weight Per Bushel for Agricultural Commodities

Alfalfa Seed Per Bushel 60 Pounds
Corn, Shelled Per Bushel 56 Pounds
Cotton Seed Per Bushel 32 Pounds
Cranberries Per Bushel 33 Pounds
Cucumbers Per Bushel 48 Pounds

What are the grain prices today?

Market Commodity Prices

Commodity Last Open
Nov22 1537.500s 1547.000
Wheat 1034-2s 1078-2
Wheat Jul22 1034-2s 1078-2
Jul23 1057-4s 1092-4

How much does a bushel of deer corn weigh?

To facilitate the trading of grain, the USDA created weight standards for each grain so that grain could be weighed to determine the number of bushels rather than trying to make volume measurements. Corn was assigned a bushel weight of 56 pounds, while soybeans and wheat were assigned bushel weights of 60 pounds.

How many pounds of corn are in a 5 gallon bucket?

We usually get 29# to 33# in a heaped 5 gallon pail, rolled as it comes out of the Harvestore at about 24% moist. Mostly depends on the test weight of the corn.

How many ears of corn are in bushel?

An 8-inch ear of corn contains about 0.50 lb equivalent of shelled corn grain; therefore, 112 8-inch ears would equal 1 bushel (1 bushel = 56 pounds).

How much do farmers make off an acre of corn?

For 2020, the projected corn yield is 228 bushels per acre, the corn price is $4.25 per bushel, resulting in $969 per acre in crop revenue.

Why is the price of deer corn so high?

Because of drought in Midwest, cost of deer corn rising by the ton. The Midwest drought is causing an increase in commodities prices that translates to higher costs for most Texas deer hunters. These hunters use corn to attract deer and other game to hunting blinds or openings in thick brush.

Will corn prices go up in 2022? Corn prices are expected to trade at historically elevated levels for the remainder of 2022 and into 2023, say UK analysts. “Corn markets risk coming under pressure as harvest looms, but this is far from a fully bearish market,” said the CRM Agri team in its latest grain market outlook.

Will corn prices go up in 2021?

The WASDE forecast for the season average price of corn for 2021/22 was $5.45 per bushel at the time of this writing. This is the price that is relevant for projecting total acreage for 2022.

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