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What fruit or vegetable starts with the letter Y?

What is a vegetable that starts with y?

Yam. The skin of a yam is thick and rough like the bark of a tree! Yams are a bit like potatoes but their flesh can be white, yellow or even purple..

What snack starts with Y?

Foods that Start with Letter Y

What vegetable starts with Z?

While there are not very many vegetables to discuss that start with the letter Z, we can give you plenty of facts on the wonderful Zucchini , with a shocking surprise at the end.

What food begins with Z?

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What snacks start with Z?


What food starts with F?

23 foods that start with F

What food starts with H?

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What is a blue fruit?

If we use the color blue loosely, and include those that are purplish-colored, too, that list gets a lot longer: “Blue” fruits include blackberries, blueberries, black currants, elderberries, purple figs, purple grapes, black olives, plums, dried plums and raisins.

What is a purple fruit? Blackberries

Blackberries are among the most well-known purple fruits. These juicy berries are packed with nutrition and potent anthocyanin pigments. Anthocyanins are a type of polyphenol compound that gives foods their purple, blue, or red colors.

What’s a vegetable that starts with y?

Yam. The skin of a yam is thick and rough like the bark of a tree. Yams are a bit like potatoes but their flesh can be white, yellow or even purple.

What’s a green fruit?

The most common types of green fruits are apples, pears, and green grapes. Some examples of green fruits with sour sharp taste include limes, gooseberries, sour plums, and the unusual cucamelon. Varieties of green tropical fruits with delicious taste include breadfruit and jackfruit.

What is a fruit that starts with N?

Nectarine Fruit

Nectarine Fruit [Image Credit: Wikipedia] The next fruit that starts with N is the Nectarine.

What is a fruit that starts with U?

Ugli. An ugli fruit is a cross between a grapefruit and a mandarin.

Which fruit is pink in Colour?


This juicy, sweet, pink fruit is one of the most popular berries out there.

What fruit that starts with H? Honeydew

The honeydew melon or sometimes called green melon is a beautiful soft melon that is sweet and juicy just like what its name suggests.

Is there a fruit that starts with D? The name “durian” is derived from the Malay language word dûrî meaning ‘thorn’. Named in some regions as the “king of fruits”, durian is distinctive for its large size, strong odor, and thorn-covered rind.

Is a yam a fruit?

Yams are also a tuber vegetable. Their scientific name is Dioscorea, and they originate in Africa and Asia. They are now commonly found in the Caribbean and Latin America as well.

Can dogs eat raw sweet potato?

When feeding your dog a sweet potato, make sure it’s cooked and that the skin is removed; leaving the skin on makes it harder for your dog to digest. You should never feed your dog a raw sweet potato. Not only are they difficult to chew, but they can upset your dog’s stomach and potentially cause intestinal blockage.

Is sweet potato a potato?

Sweet and regular potatoes are both considered root vegetables but are only distantly related. Sweet potatoes are from the morning glory family, Convolvulaceae, and white potatoes are nightshades, or Solanaceae. The edible part of these plants are the tubers that grow on the roots.

Is there a vegetable that starts with Q?

When thinking about green groceries that come with the letter Q, quince is probably the first to come into mind.

What’s a fruit that starts with K?

Kiwi Fruit

Its fresh greenish juicy plum is sweet and sour.

What is a fruit that starts with J?


It has a very strong fragrance that many people are not fond of but a sweet jackfruit can be delicious. The seed of the jackfruit is often cooked as curry, as is the raw fruit.

Can you eat zebra?

Zebra meat can also be sold in the U.S., say health officials, although it may still be hard to find. “Game meat, including zebra meat, can be sold [in the US] as long as the animal from which it is derived is not on the endangered species list,” an official with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) told TIME.

What food starts with J? 20 Foods That Begin With The Letter J

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