What are the 4 types of food spoilage?

The main cause of food spoilage is invasion by microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria.

  • 1 Microbial spoilage. Microbial spoilage is caused by microorganisms like fungi (moulds, yeasts) and bacteria. …
  • 2 Physical spoilage. …
  • 3 Chemical spoilage. …
  • 4 Appearance of spoiled food.


What are 5 ways food can be contaminated?

Avoid these 5 things: Most common ways food is contaminated in a restaurant

  • Temperature abuse.
  • Cross-contamination.
  • Unsafe ingredients.
  • Improper storage conditions.
  • Shipping damage.

What is contamination cross-contamination?

Contamination is caused by improper handling, storage and preparing of food, improper sanitization and cleaning, contamination pests and insects. On the other hand, cross-contamination occurs when products that contain allergens to allergen-free products or raw foods to ready-to-eat foods.

What are 3 causes of food contamination?

Causes of food contamination

  • biological hazards (microorganisms) including bacteria, fungi, yeasts, mould and viruses.
  • chemical hazards. including cleaning chemicals or foods with naturally occurring toxins, such as green potatoes.
  • physical hazards.

What are the 5 types of biological contaminants?

Biological contaminants include bacteria, viruses, animal dander and cat saliva, house dust, mites, cockroaches, and pollen.

What are chemical contaminants food handlers?

Common examples of artificial chemical contaminants include detergent, sanitizer, other cleaning products, fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides.

How do food handlers contaminate food?

Food handlers can contaminate food when they:

Sneeze or cough. Have contact with a person who is sick. Touch anything that may contaminate their hands and do not wash them. Have symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, or jaundice—a yellowing of the eyes or skin.

Which of the following is responsible for spoilage of food?

Bacteria. Bacteria are responsible for some of the spoilage of food. When bacteria breaks down the food, acids and other waste products are generated in the process. While the bacteria itself may or may not be harmful, the waste products may be unpleasant to taste or may even be harmful to one’s health.

Which of the following are factors of food spoilage? Factors that affect food spoilage include:

  • Microorganisms.
  • Enzymes.
  • Air.
  • Light.
  • Insects, Rodents, Parasites and Other Creatures.
  • Physical Damage.
  • Temperature.
  • Time.

What are the 5 causes of food spoilage?

There are various factors which are responsible for food spoilage such as bacteria, mould, yeast, moisture, light, temperature, and chemical reaction.

What are the 3 main causes of food spoilage?

The three major types of microorganisms which cause food spoilage are bacteria, yeasts and moulds.

What are the causes of food contamination?

Causes of food contamination

  • biological hazards (microorganisms) including bacteria, fungi, yeasts, mould and viruses.
  • chemical hazards. including cleaning chemicals or foods with naturally occurring toxins, such as green potatoes.
  • physical hazards.

Which of the following is not responsible for spoilage of food?

Algae. Algae is not responsible for the spoilage of food.

Which of the following can contribute to food spoilage quizlet?

Microbial spoilage can be caused by bacteria, moulds and yeasts. Water activity of food is an important determinant of the type of food spoilage caused. – Without water bacteria, moulds and yeasts cannot grow.

What are the 4 types of water contamination? Here’s a quick rundown of the different types of water pollution currently compromising the quality of H0 all over the globe.

  • Chemical pollution.
  • Groundwater pollution.
  • Microbiological pollution.
  • Nutrient pollution.
  • Oxygen-depletion pollution.
  • Surface water pollution.

Which is chemical contaminant? Chemical contaminants are chemicals toxic to plants and animals in waterways. The phrase ‘chemical contamination’ is used to indicate situations where chemicals are either present where they shouldn’t be, or are at higher concentrations than they would naturally have occurred.

What are the 4 major water pollutants? There are four main categories of water pollution: pathogens, inorganic compounds, organic material and macroscopic pollutants.

What are the sources of contamination?

Major contamination sources are water, air, dust, equipment, sewage, insects, rodents, and employees. Contamination of raw materials can also occur from the soil, sewage, live animals, external surface, and the internal organs of meat animals.

What are contaminants give an example?

Examples of chemical contaminants include nitrogen, bleach, salts, pesticides, metals, toxins produced by bacteria, and human or animal drugs. Biological contaminants are organisms in water. They are also referred to as microbes or microbiological contaminants.

Which of the following can be called as contaminant?

(b) is the following can be called contaminant .

Particulate matter (PM) pollution is caused by these particles. Small particles can go deep into the lungs and cause health issues if there are enough of them.

What are 5 examples of cross contamination?

Some examples are: Touching raw meats then handling vegetables or other ready-to-eat foods without washing hands between tasks. Using a food soiled apron or towel to wipe your hands between handling different foods. Failing to change gloves between handling different foods.

What are some examples of contamination?

Some of the most common examples of chemical contamination include:

  • Cleaning products and disinfectants.
  • Unwashed fruit and vegetables.
  • Chemicals from the use of non-safe plastics.
  • Pest control chemicals.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Corticosteroids.
  • Heavy metals.

What is cross contamination in food handling?

Cross-contamination is the physical movement or transfer of harmful bacteria from one person, object or place to another. Preventing cross-contamination is a key factor in preventing foodborne illness. Minnesota Department of Health Consumer Fact Sheet.

How can food handlers contaminate food?

Food handlers can contaminate food when they:

Sneeze or cough. Have contact with a person who is sick. Touch anything that may contaminate their hands and do not wash them. Have symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, or jaundice—a yellowing of the eyes or skin.

Which of the following are contamination hazards of food? The 3 Types of Hazards

  • Biological hazards include bacteria, parasites, fungi and viruses.
  • Chemical hazards are harmful substances such as pesticides or machine oils.
  • Physical hazards are objects which contaminate your foods such as pieces of glass or metal, toothpicks, jewelry or hair.

Which of the following gases are called contaminant?

The correct answer is Sulphur dioxide (SO2). Please Note: We may get confused between the Ozone and Sulfur dioxide (SO2). Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is an atmospheric pollutant.


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