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How many cfs is a GPM?

A flow of one cfs is approximately equal to either 450 gpm, one acre-inch per hour, or two acre-feet per day (24 hours)..

How many gallons is a cfs?

How many cubic feet are there in a gallon?

Gallons (US) Cubic Feet
9 gallons (US) 1.2031 cubic feet
10 gallons (US) 1.3368 cubic feet
11 gallons (US) 1.4705 cubic feet
12 gallons (US) 1.6042 cubic feet

How do you convert GPM to GPD?

What is 1 cubic meter of water?

A cubic metre equals 1,000 litres of water, this is equivalent to 28 showers or 13 baths.

What does m3 mean in water?

The water meter records how much water you use in cubic metres (m3). One cubic metre equals 1000 litres – that’s enough for either 13 baths, 14 washing machine loads, 28 showers, 33 dishwasher loads or 111 toilet flushes!

How do you read a water flow meter m3?

The numbers in Black are whole numbers of Cubic Meters (m3). The red arrowed dials are the decimal points i.e. Litre’s. This meter reads 11.483m3 which is equivalent to 11483 litres. Like the first meter the top dial in black is displaying whole cubes and the red arrowed dials are the decimals.

How do you calculate cubic meters?

The formula of cubic meter for measuring different units

  1. Meter = l × b × h = cubic meters.
  2. Centimetre = l × b × h ÷ 10,00,000 = cubic meters.
  3. Millimetre = l × b × h ÷ 1,00,00,00,000 = cubic meters.
  4. Inches = l × b × h ÷ 61,023.8 = cubic meters.
  5. Feet = l × b × h ÷ 35.315 = cubic meters.

How many gallons are there in a square meter?

Gallon to Square meter Calculator

1 gallon = 0.0243 m 2 264.172 gallon
4 gallon = 0.0612 m 2 2113.3763 gallon
5 gallon = 0.071 m 2 2953.5332 gallon
6 gallon = 0.0802 m 2 3882.5202 gallon
7 gallon = 0.0889 m 2 4892.5346 gallon

How much is a cube of liquid? Cubic Meter (m3)

The basic unit of volume is a cube that is 1 meter on each side. The Unit is written m3 (cubic meters). It is equal to 1,000 liters.

How many gallons is one cubic?

There are 7.48 gallons of water in one cubic foot of water. To convert gallons to cubic feet, divide the total gallons by 7.48. To convert cubic feet to gallons, multiply the cubic feet by 7.48.

How many gallons is 10 cubic meter of liquid?

Cubic Meters to US Gallons (Liquid) table

Cubic Meters US Gallons (Liquid)
10 m³ 2641.72 US gal lqd
11 m³ 2905.89 US gal lqd
12 m³ 3170.06 US gal lqd
13 m³ 3434.24 US gal lqd

• Jul 22, 2018

What is scfm flow rate?

Standard Cubic Feet per Minute (SCFM) is the rate of flow of a gas or air through a compressor at standard temperature and pressure conditions. The standard temperature for calculating SCFM flow rate ranges from 60°F to 68°F, at a pressure of 14.7psi and relative humidity of 36%.

How do you convert volume to gallons?


  1. Formula:
  2. L x W x D. = Cubic Feet.
  3. Cubic ft x 7.47. = Gallons.

How do you convert SCFM to m3 HR?

Conversion chart – Standard cu-ft in gas per minute to cubic meters per hour

  1. Standard cubic feet of gas per minute to cubic meters per hour = 1.70 m3/h.
  2. Standard cu-ft in gas per minute to cubic meters per hour = 3.40 m3/h.
  3. Standard cu-ft in gas per minute to cubic meters per hour = 5.10 m3/h.

How do you calculate CFM from SCFM? SCFM To CFM Converter

Here is an example of how this calculator works: Let’s say we want to convert 500 SCFM to CFM at 60°F temperature and 16 psi pressure. You just use the slider, set the ‘500 SCFM’, ’60°F’ and ’16 psi’ and you get the result: 500 SCFM is equal to 452.41 CFM at those conditions.

How do you convert SCFM to SCF? 1,440.00 SCFD is converted to 1 of what? The Standard cubic feet per day unit number 1,440.00 SCFD converts to 1 SCFM, one Standard cubic foot per minute. It is the EQUAL gas flow value of 1 Standard cubic foot per minute but in the Standard cubic feet per day gas flow unit alternative.

How many SCF are in a gallon?

1 U.S. liquid gallon = 0.134 cubic feet. 1 U.S. dry gallon = 0.156 cubic feet. 1 Imperial gallon = 0.16 cubic feet.

What is SCF unit?

A standard cubic foot (scf) is a unit used both in the natural gas industry to represent an amount of natural gas and in other industries where other gases are used. It is the unit commonly used when following the customary system, a collection of standards set by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

How do you convert volume to flow?

Choose a mass flow for your material, in pounds, that you want to convert to a volumetric flow. Divide the mass flow by the density. The result is the volumetric flow, expressed as cubic feet of material. An example is: 100 pounds (mass flow) / 10 pounds per cubic foot (density) = 10 cubic feet (volumetric flow).

Is GPM mass flow rate?

The pounds (water mass) per minute unit number 8.35 lb/min converts to 1 gal/min, one gallon US per minute. It is the EQUAL flow rate value of 1 gallon US per minute but in the pounds (water mass) per minute flow rate unit alternative.

How do you calculate water consumption?

To determine the amount of water used since your last reading, take the current meter read and subtract the previous meter read (from your water bill), which will give you the number of cubic meter/s used.

How do I calculate the volume of water in my pond?

The volume of water in the pond (in acre-feet) is calculated by simply multiplying the pond area (in acres) by the average pond depth in feet. Keep in mind that one acre-foot of water is equal to 325,851 gallons.

How do I read my m3 water meter?

Is 1m3 equal to 1000 litres? 1 cubic meter is 1000 liters. The simplest way to convert cubic meters to liters is to move the decimal point three places to the right. In other words, multiply a value in cubic meters by 1000 to get the answer in liters.

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