How many cases of beer is in a 1/2 keg?

A Half Barrel Keg Contains 7 Cases of Beer

The half barrel is the most common type of keg, and it’s what you’re most likely to see if you look into a bar or pub’s walk-in fridge. A half barrel keg contains: 15.5 gal (58.7 L) 165 x 12 oz (355 ml) servings of beer..

What is the smallest keg size?

Mini Keg. Typically designed for mini kegerators, however, mini kegs can be compatible with larger kegerators. This is the smallest kegerator size often available and this keg contains 5 liters or 169.07 ounces.

How many 24 packs of beer are in a keg?

This is what most people know as “a keg,” but the half barrel name throws them off. One of these has 15.5 gallons of beer in it. That means you can get 165 12 oz. beers from it, or 124 16 oz.

How long will a keg stay fresh?

A good rule of thumb is that the shelf life for a keg of pasteurized beer is about 90-120 days (or 3-4 months), and unpasteurized draft beer will last about 45-60 days (or 6-8 weeks) when stored at the proper temperature. Many import and domestic beers are pasteurized.

What is a pony keg of beer?

A barrel (Bbl) is the standard method for measuring kegs of beer. Depending. on the brewery, beers are kegged in various size containers, as follows: 1/2 barrel = 15.5 gallons = 124 pints = 165 12oz bottles – (Full Size Keg) 1/4 barrel = 7.75 gallons = 62 pints = 83 12oz bottles (Pony Keg)

Why does keg beer taste better?

When you consider the product turnover at bars, pubs and restaurants, beer on tap sells a lot quicker than the bottles sitting in the fridge. Beer freshness has an immense impact on the brew’s flavour, which is why the beer poured from a keg is likely to be fresher (and tastier) than what you’d sip from the bottle.

Can a keg get warm then cold again?

So, the moral of the story is to keep your beer cold when you can, but don’t worry about beer warming up and then cooling again. It’s totally fine to drink it, and as long as it wasn’t kept warm for too long the flavor likely wasn’t changed.

What is a sixtel keg?

A sixtel keg is 1/6 of a full keg of beer. Sixtels are also called sixths due to their size. A sixtel keg is similar to a corny (cornelius) keg in size, however it will have a commercial style connection (rather than ball/pin lock fittings).

How big is a Pony keg? Keg Sizing Information

1/4 barrel = 7.75 gallons = 62 pints = 83 12oz bottles (Pony Keg)

Is a keg cheaper than cans?

Why Buy a Kegerator? When you buy a kegerator for your home, you’re not only able to conveniently store large amounts of cold draft beer, but you can also save approximately 40-60% in costs, compared to buying the same volume of beer in cans or bottles.

Are kegs cheaper than cans?

Why Buy a Kegerator? When you buy a kegerator for your home, you’re not only able to conveniently store large amounts of cold draft beer, but you can also save approximately 40-60% in costs, compared to buying the same volume of beer in cans or bottles.

How many 30 packs are in a keg?

Home > Beers > How Many 30 Packs Of Beer Are In A Keg? This is the same as 30 liters. Gallons are equal to pints and bottles are equal to 12 ounces.

How Many 6 Packs Of Beer Are In A Keg?

Cornelius Keg Sixth Barrel Keg
Pints (16 oz) 40 41
Bottles / Cans (12oz) 53 55
Growlers (64 oz) 10 10

How much does a half barrel keg cost?

A kegerator for a standard half-barrel keg costs anywhere between $500 to $2,000, depending on its features, tap, and brand. Still, you can get a used one for just half of the price.

How many kegs do I need for 40 people?

At 15.5 gallons of beer, a keg translates to roughly 165 12oz (the amount in a can) servings of beer. That means you can have 40 people over and everyone will get at least four beers, or eight beers each if you have 20 people over.

How do you keep a keg cold? The cheapest way to keep a keg cold is by placing it in a suitable container and covering it with ice. Place the keg in the tub, surround it with ice and then top up with cold water. You can then either connect a pressure regulator and beer lines or fit a picnic tap directly to the keg.

How much is an empty beer keg worth? At 30 pounds empty weight, a typical stainless steel keg might be worth around $24 (January 2013 scrap price for 304 stainless steel of ~80 cents per pound). While the price of scrap fluctuates, recent history has shown that the scrap value of a keg is easily the same or higher than a typical $20-30 deposit.

How many glasses of beer are in a keg? How many ounces beer in a keg? 19.8 Liters equal 55 Glasses, each glass measured in 12 oz.

How long will a keg last?

A good rule of thumb is that the shelf life for a keg of pasteurized beer is about 90-120 days (or 3-4 months), and unpasteurized draft beer will last about 45-60 days (or 6-8 weeks) when stored at the proper temperature. Many import and domestic beers are pasteurized.

Is it cheaper to get a keg or cases of beer for a wedding?

The cost of buying beer by the keg is 50% less than it would be if you bought it bottled. With a kegerator unit installed in your home, you could save half the money you normally spend on bottled beer by purchasing only 12-packs, cases, or 30-packs.

Can you Retap a keg?

Can A Keg Be Tapped Twice? It is true that you can tap a keg twice, but there are limitations as well. either case, you’ll only get one tap from your keg if you use a manual pump or an oxygen pump.

Do kegs need to be kept cold?


The majority of the time, the beer inside your keg has not been pasteurized, so it’s important to keep it cold. From the moment you get it from the distributor until it’s empty, it’s important to maintain the proper temperature or you will sacrifice the quality of the beer.

Will a keg freeze overnight?

Depending on the temperature outside, it could take days to fully freeze a keg of beer. It can, however, take less time for it to partially freeze (potentially overnight).

How much is a half barrel keg?

Different beer keg sizes
Size Volume Average price
Half barrel 15.5 gallons (58.7 l) $200
Quarter barrel 7.7 gallons (29 l) $100 to $150
Sixth barrel 5.2 gallons (20 l) $70 to $120

How long does a keg last in a Kegerator?

For a properly stored keg in a kegerator, how long the beer will remain fresh will depend on the style of beer. Pasteurized beers can stay fresh from three to six months. For non-pasteurized beers, you can expect the keg to stay fresh approximately two months.

How many kegs fit in a Kegerator? Intended for home use, full-size kegerators can fit one half-barrel (aka “full-size”) keg. Coming in the form of a freestanding refrigerator (although undercounter models are also available), full-size kegerators usually feature a pressurized CO2 tank and a coupler to dispense beer.

How many beers are in a keg chart?

Corny Keg and Sanke Keg Size Reference Chart

Cornelius Keg Half Barrel Keg
Height 23” 23″
Width 9” 16″
Bottles / Cans (12oz) 53 165
Pints (16 oz) 40 124


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