How long does it take to cook a 21 pound stuffed turkey?

For 12- to 14-pound turkey, roast 3½ to 4 hours. For 14- to 18-pound turkey, roast 4 to 4¼ hours. For 18- to 20-pound turkey, roast 4¼ to 4¾ hours. For 20- to 24-pound turkey, roast 4¾ to 5¼ hours..

What temperature should I cook a stuffed turkey?

A stuffed turkey takes longer to cook than an unstuffed turkey. Roast a stuffed turkey for 15 minutes per pound at 350 degrees F. It is important to check the temperature of the stuffing; it should be 165 degrees F (75 degrees C) when you insert the thermometer into the center of the stuffing.

Do you put water in the bottom of the roasting pan for turkey?

Place on the bottom of your roasting pan. Place the turkey, breast-side up on top of the vegetables. Add about a half-inch of liquid (water or stock) to the roasting pan. This will keep the oven moist, and the turkey juicy.

How long should a turkey rest before you carve it?

Before you cut a thing, let your turkey rest — at least 30 minutes — so its juices don’t end up on the cutting board. Use a board large enough to fit the entire bird and preferably with grooves around the edges to catch stray liquid.

How often should you baste a turkey?

Most recipes will tell you to baste your turkey every thirty minutes. But our rule of thumb is actually every forty minutes, and here’s why. You don’t want to open the oven too many times, or else the whole bird will take much long to cook, and that’s a huge inconvenience.

How much longer should you cook a stuffed turkey?

While the best temperature to cook a turkey is always 325 degrees F, how much time your bird will need in the oven will depend on its weight. An unstuffed 8-pound turkey can take less than 3 hours, while a stuffed 24-pound turkey can take over 5 hours. Here’s how long it takes to cook a fully thawed turkey.

How long before cooking should I take turkey out of fridge?

Before it goes in the oven, the turkey should be at room temperature, so take it out of the fridge (1 hr for a whole turkey, or 30 mins for a cut) before cooking. Keep it covered in a cool place.

Do you put butter on turkey before cooking?

Don’t butter your bird

Placing butter under the skin won’t make the meat juicier, though it might help the skin brown faster. However, butter is about 17 percent water, and it will make your bird splotchy, says López-Alt. Instead, rub the skin with vegetable oil before you roast.

Do you rest a turkey covered or uncovered? A large bird can wait up to 40 minutes or longer, depending on the temperature of the room. Cover it with foil, but loosely; you don’t want to seal in the moisture, which will cause the skin to steam and lose whatever level of crispness you’ve achieved.

Should I cover my turkey with foil?

We’ve found that covering a turkey in foil yields much moister results than roasting it without foil, and we favor simply covering up the breast to even out cooking time.

How long do you cook a stuffed turkey per pound?

The turkey is done when a meat thermometer inserted into a thigh registers 165°F and the juices from the thigh run clear, about 4 hours in all (18 to 20 minutes per pound for a stuffed bird). If the skin browns too much before the turkey is done, cover the bird loosely with foil.

How often should I baste my turkey?

Most recipes will tell you to baste your turkey every thirty minutes. But our rule of thumb is actually every forty minutes, and here’s why. You don’t want to open the oven too many times, or else the whole bird will take much long to cook, and that’s a huge inconvenience.

Should you rub oil on turkey?

Once you’ve carefully dried off the skin, the next step you can take to guarantee perfectly crispy turkey skin is to rub it with a fat, like butter or oil. Oil will yield a crispier skin than butter because butter is at least 20 percent water, while oil contains no water.

Do you flip a turkey when cooking?

Cook the bird upside down, meaning the breast meat down, then flip it halfway through based on your estimation. If you are using a kettle and have all of your charcoal on one side of the grill, you will also want to rotate the turkey when you flip it so that it doesn’t overcook on one side.

Should I rub butter on my turkey? Don’t butter your bird

Placing butter under the skin won’t make the meat juicier, though it might help the skin brown faster. However, butter is about 17 percent water, and it will make your bird splotchy, says López-Alt. Instead, rub the skin with vegetable oil before you roast.

Should I rinse my turkey before cooking? Should You Rinse a Turkey? In short, no. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), rinsing a raw turkey in the kitchen sink can lead to the spread of bacteria on countertops, nearby food, and other surfaces, which can cause cross-contamination.

Do you cook a turkey covered or uncovered?

Always cook your turkey until the skin is a light golden color. Cover your roasting pan with a lid or foil and cook covered for 2 hours (depending on size of your bird) and uncovered for the remaining time. Baste your turkey every half hour or so.

Should you wash turkey?

Wash your hands, but not the turkey! Many consumers think that washing their turkey will remove bacteria and make it safer. However, it’s virtually impossible to wash bacteria off the bird. Instead, juices that splash during washing can transfer bacteria onto the surfaces of your kitchen, other foods and utensils.

Should I put broth in bottom of turkey pan?

I also like to add 1 cup chicken broth/stock to the bottom of the turkey pan before beginning the cooking. This will create a steam room-type environment in the oven, which help keep the breast moist but will not prevent browning of the skin.

Should you bring turkey to room temp before cooking?

Before it goes in the oven, the turkey should be at room temperature, so take it out of the fridge (1 hr for a whole turkey, or 30 mins for a cut) before cooking. Keep it covered in a cool place.

How do you make turkey skin crispy?

Rub the skin with fat.

Once you’ve carefully dried off the skin, the next step you can take to guarantee perfectly crispy turkey skin is to rub it with a fat, like butter or oil. Oil will yield a crispier skin than butter because butter is at least 20 percent water, while oil contains no water.

How long should a 20 lb turkey rest before carving?

A: Ideally, your turkey should rest 30 to 40 minutes to let the juices redistribute. (This gives you enough time to make gravy, too.) We usually recommend that the turkey get back into the refrigerator within 2 hours, so by the time you carve and serve, that timeframe works pretty well.

How do I keep my turkey moist?

Classic Bread Stuffing Recipe

  1. Choose a fresh turkey instead of a frozen one.
  2. Roast two small turkeys rather than one large one.
  3. Brine the turkey.
  4. Rub soft butter under the skin.
  5. Truss loosely, or not at all.
  6. Roast the turkey upside down at first.
  7. Don’t overcook it.
  8. Let the turkey rest before carving.

Why You Should Never baste your turkey? Do Not Baste. Basting the skin is not necessary to flavor the meat. You’ll flavor the skin, but you’ll also let heat out of the oven each time you open it to baste. “That means the bird is going to be in there for a longer time cooking, which means it’s going to dry out more,” Brown says.


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