How do you prepare hedge apples to eat?

Here is the traditional way of eating the seeds of hedge apples:

  1. Slice the fruit into two.
  2. Scoop out all the seeds and put into a container.
  3. Run it through water to remove the slimy coating.
  4. Tap them dry using a piece of cloth or tissue paper.
  5. You can eat the seeds raw or fry them.


What does hedge apple taste like?

Hedge apples, also known as osage oranges, are generally considered inedible. This is largely due to the unpalatable taste of its fruit despite its orange-like smell. However, hedge apples are non-poisonous. And those who can look past the hedge apple’s bumpy, ugly exterior, eat its seeds.

Will deer eat hedge apples?

Registered. Hedge apples are the lowest of the low in whitetail diet. Late winter food source that they will avoid until nothing else is available. They stomp and bite open the ball and eat the seeds inside.

Are Osage apples edible?

Osage orange fruit cut open, showing white, seedy pulp inside. Osage orange fruit are definitely not edible, and most foraging animals will not eat them. Only squirrel and the deer will eat the tiny seeds inside, which are the only edible part.

What can I do with Osage orange fruit?

Prior to the invention of barbed wire, these thorny trees were planted as natural fencing for cattle deterrents. In the Midwest, the Osage orange is often called hedge apple. Osage orange wood is very durable and is still used for making fence posts.

Is Osage orange wood toxic?

Often considered poisonous, it is not; this reputation came from livestock physically choking on the fruit due to its large size. Squirrels relish the small seeds found inside the fruit. In the past, these trees were often planted as “living fences” due to dense growth and sharp thorns.

What can you use osage oranges for?

Prior to the invention of barbed wire, these thorny trees were planted as natural fencing for cattle deterrents. In the Midwest, the Osage orange is often called hedge apple. Osage orange wood is very durable and is still used for making fence posts.

How do you store hedge apples?

  1. Pick the hedge apples with the stem intact just before the peak of their ripeness.
  2. Tie a piece of twine or string to the stem of each hedge apple.
  3. Hang the apples from a shelf or other ledge.
  4. Leave the apples for one to three weeks while they dry.

How do you extract oil from hedge apples?

Does hedge apples keep mice away?

This brings us then to mice. There apparently are no scientific studies, so it may be just a myth, but there are a good number of farmers that place hedge apples in their combines over the winter to keep mice out of the wiring, and this author has become a believer (or wants to believe) and so we have some around.

Can chickens eat hedge apples?

Back to the original question: Are hedge-apples safe for chickens to eat? Yes! –And thanks to the information provided by Lais, you’ll probably have the most success getting the hens to eat the hedge-apples if you wait until the fruit ages a few more months.

Do hedge apples repel fleas?

Hedge apples are used as a natural, inexpensive and chemical-free method of controlling and repelling spiders and other pests. The fruit’s aromatic compounds are believed to drive away insects including crickets, box elder bugs, fleas and cockroaches.

Do horses eat hedge apples?

Studies have shown that hedge apples are innocuous to horses when ingested. Horses generally bypass the fruit when browsing because of its extremely hard texture and unpalatability, especially when there is other forage to satiate hunger.

What can I do with Osage orange?

Prior to the invention of barbed wire, these thorny trees were planted as natural fencing for cattle deterrents. In the Midwest, the Osage orange is often called hedge apple. Osage orange wood is very durable and is still used for making fence posts.

Do goats eat hedge apples? Osage orange (Maclura pomifera) – Also called hedge apple or Bois d’Arc. Goats readily consume the leaves and will put a browse line on the trees. However, goats do not debark trees and therefore do not provide control of large trees. Some goats will consume the fruit of the trees, called horse apples or hedge apples.

What can you do with an Osage orange? Prior to the invention of barbed wire, these thorny trees were planted as natural fencing for cattle deterrents. In the Midwest, the Osage orange is often called hedge apple. Osage orange wood is very durable and is still used for making fence posts.

How do you preserve hedge apples?

  1. Pick the hedge apples with the stem intact just before the peak of their ripeness.
  2. Tie a piece of twine or string to the stem of each hedge apple.
  3. Hang the apples from a shelf or other ledge.
  4. Leave the apples for one to three weeks while they dry.

Will hedge apples keep stink bugs away?

Research conducted at Iowa State University has demonstrated that chemicals extracted from the fruit can be repellant to tested insects (German cockroaches, mosquitoes and houseflies). In addition, sliced hedge apples placed in enclosed, small spaces did repel insects.

Do hedge apples attract fruit flies?

This would have been grand had I been in high school and needed them for a genetics experiment in biology. However, this was decades too late. Fortunately, I hadn’t paid $1.50 a piece for my fly magnet. Even more fortunate was the fact that only one hedge apple spawned a swarm of unruly fruit flies.

Will hedge apples keep roaches away?

Hedgeapples, the fruit of the Osage orange plant, is a natural cockroach repellent. Hedge apples may help keep cockroaches out of your house.

Why you should not feed wild deer?

Supplemental Feeding Can Harm Deer

attract predators and increase risk of death by coyotes or domestic dogs. spread disease among deer. cause aggression, wasting vital energy reserves and leading to injury or death. reduce fat reserves as deer use energy traveling to and from the feed site.

What animal eats Osage orange?

Osage orange fruit is inedible. Even squirrels and other animals, including birds won’t eat the fruit. But the seeds are edible and squirrels and other small mammals, bobwhite and other birds tear into the fruit to get the seeds. Osage orange fences, living fences, are gone now, replaced by barbed wire.

Can humans eat deer apples?

In the fall during hunting season, large bags of apples are available that are used in deer hunting; hence I call these apples deer apples . They may be a little past prime, or bruised and such. Not the optimal apples producers like to put on the shelf to sell to people.

What is Osage orange wood worth?

Osage Orange Gallery

Description Price
Osage Orange 4/4 thickness $4.00
Osage Orange 8/4 thickness $5.00

How do you process a hedge apple?

How do you get rid of Osage orange trees?

If the trees already exist in your yard, the only option may be to cut them down. According to Chism, several sources say Roundup can also be used to kill Osage-orange trees. “Just spray the leaves, not the branches. This will kill the tree all the way to the roots.


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