How do I identify a sloe bush?


Is blackthorn fruit edible?

Blackthorn or sloe berries from the prunus spinosa look like blueberries. But unlike blueberries, they have a tart flavour so are best cooked before eating. They are often used to make jam or the liqueur sloe gin. Sloe berries are found on thorny shrubs and small trees and are often planted as hedgerows.

What does a ripe sloe look like?

For the best flavour, wait until the berries are ripe. They should be a rich dark purple and should squash easily between your fingertips. It’s a good sign if they’ve already started to drop naturally to the ground. If you’re picking them for sloe gin then traditionally you wait until after the first frost.

Is blackthorn poisonous to humans?

If you prick your finger on one of the tree’s enormous thorns you can get ‘blackthorn poisoning’, which causes infection, swelling and joint pain.

What are blackthorn berries good for?

Blackthorn is a shrub. The berry and dried flower are used as medicine. People use blackthorn for the common cold, cough, fatigue, constipation, and other conditions , but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. In foods, blackthorn is used in herbal teas, syrups, wines, and liqueurs.

How do I get rid of Blackthorn?

Paint the cut ends of the remaining stems with a 25-percent solution of glyphosate or triclopyr herbicide, using any small, disposable paintbrush. The stems draw the herbicide into the roots to completely kill the plant so you won’t have to contend with new growth in the future.

Can Black Thorn cause infection?

Abstract. Blackthorn (Prunus spinosus), a member of Rosacea family is well known for causing infections and tissue reactions of synovial structures.

How high does a blackthorn grow?

Blackthorn is the perfect secure boundary to any sizeable garden or field, and is tough enough to be a roadside hedge, in sun or part shade, and will thrive in any soil except waterlogged sites. Fast growing, it will reach about 4-6 metres, but is easily kept in check by annual pruning.

Do birds eat blackthorn berries? Thrushes and waxwings prefer berries with smaller seeds, like rowan, as they are really only interested in the flesh, whereas other birds, like hawfinches, can make use of the seed itself, and so are attracted to berries with large seeds, such as hawthorn, blackthorn (which grows the sloes that go to make ‘sloe gin’),

What’s the difference between blackthorn and hawthorn?

Blackthorn has oval leaves (scroll for hawthorn). Hawthorn leaves are a more unusual lobed shape. Blackthorn has oval leaves (scroll for hawthorn). Hawthorn leaves are a more unusual lobed shape.

Are blackthorn berries poisonous?

Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) is not poisonous but probably twice as dangerous.

What does hawthorn blossom look like?

The flower is white and has a single pistil and 5 petals. It is similar to the wild cherry flower (they are from the same family). Sometimes the tips of the petals are pinkish. The flowers appear in May, giving the hawthorn another name – maythorn.

How tall does blackthorn grow?

Blackthorn estimated full grown height:

6-7 metres, growing an estimated 40-60cm each year.

What do blackthorn berries taste like?


Blackthorn berries have a very tart, acidic, earthy, and bitter taste when fresh. If left on the plant and harvested after the first frost, the astringent nature will lessen and become subtly sweet.

Can you grow blackthorn in the US? In order for the blackthorns to thrive they should be located in a climate that offers cool, wet springs and warm sunny summers. Blackthorns will do best in USDA zones 4-8.

Is blackthorn poisonous to dogs? Neither are toxic for dogs although if they ate too many it could cause temporary diarrhoea. The real danger with Blackthorn is the very nasty thorns that protect the plant and so it is sensible to keep your pet away from these as they can give a very nasty injury.

What else looks like sloes?

While popular demand for damsons eventually dropped, the trees are still plentiful. Keep an eye out: their fruit looks much like sloe berries, except slightly larger (and, mercifully, surrounded by fewer prickly thorns). Bullace plums are similar in appearance, and also delicious.

Do all hawthorns have thorns?

The hawthorn changes quickly with the help of hybridization, so there are many varieties, both wild and cultivated. Nearly all of the trees have thorns and flowers, but there is a small handful of varieties that do not possess thorns.

How do you tell the difference between sloes and damsons?

Damsons grow on a tree and are usually bigger round fruits size of a walnut and makes beautiful jam . I have read that. sloes are better left till after a frost when I used them for slow gin liqueur I was short of gin so I pricked them and put them in the freezer.

What is the difference between sloes and bullace?

Though smaller than most damsons, bullaces are much larger than the closely related sloe. Their flavour is usually rather acidic until fully ripe.

Can sloe berries be confused?

Sloes have shorter stems and hug the branches more. Elderberries can cause some confusion when it comes to identifying them from other berries that could be toxic. The main thing to remember is that if you are unsure at all, do not pick them and do not eat too many when they are raw as they can have toxic qualities.

What month are sloes ready to pick?

Sloes are at their tastiest, for birds and for people, between the end of November and mid-December. As such, the best thing to do is harvest the fruits in autumn and then put them in the freezer.

When should sloes be picked?

Sloes should be picked when ripe and rich dark blue-purple in colour, and can be squashed. Some may have already fallen to the ground naturally. Traditionally sloes shouldn’t be picked until after the first frost, as it’s thought the frost splits the skin.

Are green sloes poisonous? Like plum, apricot and cherry pits, raw sloe kernels must not be eaten as they produce traces of cyanide which is toxic in sufficient doses.


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