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Why is Kirk’s uniform green?

Why is Kirk's uniform green?

The uniforms in the first season of TOS were made of a type of satin velour that was actually lime green; the lighting gels and cameras of the era filtered this color and made it appear on film as less greenish, but it was in fact practically the same color as the wrap-around tunic, which was made of a lighter material …

Then, Why did Deanna Troi not wear a uniform?

Deanna Troi chose her uniform because it looked good on her. … The actor fought to get her character to adopt a standard Starfleet uniform. The writers accommodated her request eventually: the character was ordered to put one on by a temporary captain, and she never reverted to her old garb: Even after Picard returned.

simply so, Why does Kirk wear yellow and Picard wear red?

He missed, and the Redshirt died anyway.” Starfleet utilizes three colors for their uniforms, red, blue, and gold/yellow. … In TOS (The Original Series) gold was reserved for command, red was for engineering and security, leaving science and medical officers with blue.

Why did Kirk wear a yellow shirt? They actually correspond to the ship’s various service roles. The gold shirts are worn by the command division, which includes Captain Kirk, Lieutenant Sulu, and Pavel Chekov. … The blue shirts are worn by the science/medical staff, including McCoy and Spock.

What color is Captain Kirk’s uniform?

Kirk’s iconic Star Trek uniform was never meant to be gold. Believe it or not, all of the original series Command uniforms were originally lime green. This seems rather like the reason Dorthy’s slippers are silver in the book, but are ruby in the 1939 movie: rubby red looked so much better in Technicolor.

Was Deanna Troi’s hair a wig?

After Marina Sirtis was asked to reprise her role as Counselor Deanna Troi on Star Trek: Picard, she flew to Hollywood to begin filming her scenes only to discover that the wardrobe department wasn’t quite ready for her…as in, they didn’t have the wig or the contact lenses she wore for her role.

Why is Wesley Crusher so hated?

Wesley Crusher wasn’t well-liked on Star Trek: TNG

And if you ask them why they dislike Wesley, they immediately start ticking off the reasons: he was annoying, arrogant, he was a “Mary Sue” character, he sulked a lot, and he was always saving the day.

Why does Picard always pull down his shirt?

The Picard Maneuver is of course named for Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise-D, played by Sir Patrick Stewart on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Picard had a problem with the top part of his uniform riding up whenever he would sit or stand, and so he developed a habit of frequently tugging his shirt down.

Why did Worf wear red?

E.g. this answer gives the following list of uniform colours covering the TNG era (with supporting links to Memory Alpha): Red/Maroon – this denotes the COMMAND division. Examples are anyone on the command track, including helmsmen, administrators, and commanding officers.

Why did Picard uniform change?

Out of Universe. It seems that Patrick Stewart had simply requested a more comfortable uniform, as the current standard uniform was uncomfortable to wear. The captain’s uniform was designed by Robert Blackman to make Captain Picard stand out from the rest of his crew, at the suggestion of actor Patrick Stewart.

What is a Romulan in Star Trek?

The Romulans were a humanoid race from the planet Romulus. The Romulans were biological cousins of Vulcans, descended from those who rejected Surak’s reforms during the Time of Awakening. By the 24th century, the Romulan Star Empire was one of the major powers in the galaxy.

What color were the original Star Trek uniforms?

In the original Star Trek series, which ran from 1966-1969 (or roughly from 2254 to 2269, in universe), there were three standard uniform colors among the Starfleet officers on the Enterprise: gold, blue, and red. During this time period you have gold uniforms being worn by people in command positions (Captain James T.

When did Captain Kirk wear a green shirt?

Kirk, Shatner showed up to support the upcoming fictional memoir by David A. Goodman. There, the actor fielded fan questions, including one that drew out a rather interesting opinion regarding Kirk’s alternate uniform on the 1966-1969 television series in the green tunic.

What color is Mr Spock?

Green. McCoy often called Spock a green-blooded Vulcan. Now, the actor that portrayed him in the original Star Trek series, Leonard Nimoy, was red blooded, since he’s a human.

Does Marina Sirtis have curly hair?

Her own eyes are light brown. She usually wore hairpieces for her role as Troi. Sirtis’ real hair was slightly shorter and, although curly, was not as bouffant as her character’s.

Did Marina Sirtis wear a hairpiece?

Although both Marina Sirtis and Gates McFadden (Doctor Beverly Crusher) used their real hair for much of the show’s first season, in later seasons the producers had them wearing all kinds of different wigs and hair extensions. Somehow, actress Denise Crosby, who played Security Chief Tasha Yar, escaped this fate.

Did Counselor Troi wear a wig?

When Marina Sirtis flew to Hollywood to film her scenes for Star Trek: Picard, she realized the wardrobe department had not prepared her Next Generation costume. Luckily, she kept it from the previous movie. “I called and I said, ‘You do know that I wore a wig and black contact lenses,’” Sirtis said.

Did Wesley Crusher create the Borg?

In Star Trek Next Gen S03E01 Evolution he improves on nanites so that they can work together and improve themselves. To allow further growth they leave the enterprise to a wormhole that sends them through space and time to delta quadrant around 1484.

Was Wesley Picard’s son?

Whether or not this was the original plan, Star Trek ultimately debunked the idea of Wesley Crusher being Picard’s son. Picard and Beverly did indeed have a past relationship: her late husband, Jack Crusher, was Picard’s former first officer and best friend on the USS Stargazer.

Why did Picard hate children?

On Star Trek: The Next Generation, Picard dislikes children from the beginning because he’s so uncomfortable with the idea of them being on his ship. … In the two-part pilot episode of TNG, “Encounter at Farpoint: Parts 1 & 2,” Picard first meets Wesley Crusher.

Why are Star Trek uniforms uncomfortable?

The Original Uniforms in The Next Generation Were Extremely Uncomfortable. … Referred to as ‘Type A,’ the original uniform of TNG had a problem of smelling bad. Roddenberry had insisted that spandex would be the clothing material of the future and had the Starfleet uniforms made to reflect that vision.

What is the Picard tuck?

The Picard Maneuver was a battle tactic invented by Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard. In 2355, Picard was in command of the USS Stargazer when it was attacked by an unknown alien vessel, later determined to be of Ferengi origin.

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