Since Charlie represses the memories of his abuse for most of the novel, he generally thinks of Helen as the only person in his otherwise cold family to show Charlie affection, and he also loved that she gave him books to read.
What happened with Charlie and his aunt? Aunt Helen was sexually abused by her father’s friend when she was young. … She took her sexual abuse out on Charlie, sexually molesting him and touching him while his sister was asleep, and telling him to be quiet was her way of telling him not to tell anybody about her touches.
What mental illness did Charlie have in perks? After being hospitalized for the summer after his best friend commits suicide, Charlie who suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), is about to embark on his first year of high school. He fears being known as the weird kid who was hospitalized for the summer and not having any friends.
then Was Charlie molested? Charlie concludes in his final letters in Perks that he was sexually abused in early childhood by his Aunt Helen, who is now deceased.
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What secret does Charlie’s father ask him to keep?
What secret does Charlie’s dad ask him to keep? Charlie saw his father cry in the kitchen while watching the final episode of MAS*H. Father did not want anyone to know he was soft or weak. Why does Charlie’s friend believe girls like a challenge when picking a boyfriend?
Who was Charlie writing the letters to? Charlie writes the entire book as a series of letters to an anonymous “friend.” The reader never learns who this “friend” is, and the “friend” never writes back.
Was Charlie in Perks of Being a Wallflower molested? Charlie concludes in his final letters in Perks that he was sexually abused in early childhood by his Aunt Helen, who is now deceased. … In actuality, it is likely that more than 16% of men have survived sexual abuse by the age of 18 [2].
What mental illness does Charlie have in The Perks of Being a Wallflower? After being hospitalized for the summer after his best friend commits suicide, Charlie who suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), is about to embark on his first year of high school. He fears being known as the weird kid who was hospitalized for the summer and not having any friends.
What was Aunt Helen’s gift to Charlie?
Aunt Helen was the only person in Charlie’s household that really showed affection to him. She always gave him books to read, always gave him two gifts for his birthday and Christmas, and always “watched TV” with him.
What happened to Charlie when he fell asleep in the snow? After writing his last letter, Charlie fell asleep outside in the snow where policemen found him and brought him to the hospital. Charlie has a history of wandering off when his mental health declines, and his family worries. The doctor suggests Charlie see a psychiatrist again.
What did Aunt Helen do to Charlie in the book?
Growing up, Aunt Helen was molested by a friend of the family. When she finally told her parents, they didn’t believe her. … And of course, Aunt Helen goes on to molest Charlie. She took advantage of shy, quiet Charlie’s love and trust.
Was Charlie raped its always sunny? At Dennis and Mac’s apartment, Dennis and Dee talk about their Psychology education, and that they should hold an intervention for Charlie. Mac, on the other hand, becomes more and more aggravated that the McPoyle brothers and Charlie were molested but he wasn’t. … He gets wise to Mac’s plan and kicks him out.
What was the last thing Aunt Helen told Charlie?
Summary: December 26, 1991
The last thing that Aunt Helen had said to Charlie was that she was going to buy him his birthday present, so Charlie can’t help but blame himself for her death. Charlie thinks that if his Aunt Helen hadn’t loved him so much, she would still be alive.
Why was Mac not blown?
Mac: If the McPoyles got blown, and Charlie got blown, then why didn’t I get blown? Dennis Reynolds: You’re going to hell, dude.
Does Charlie’s sister get an abortion? Charlie and Candace are very close, though they often fight. When Candace gets pregnant, Charlie drives her to Planned Parenthood to get an abortion. … In the film, Candace’s pregnancy and abortion was not included and was cut from the final film.
Why does Patrick decide to get Charlie a suit coat? His first Secret Santa gift is socks. … At the Secret Santa party, Charlie reads Patrick a poem. Patrick gives Charlie the suit jacket, telling him that all great writers used to wear suits. Charlie gives all his friends thoughtful gifts, not just Patrick and Sam.
Was Charlie’s dad abused?
Charlie’s dad was also physically abused as a child, and that experience made him strongly averse to physical punishment of any kind with his own children. … Once a college baseball star, Charlie’s dad dropped out of college because he and Charlie’s mom became pregnant with Charlie’s brother.
What does Patrick mean when he calls Charlie a wallflower? Patrick does not use the word as an insult or a derogatory nickname. Instead, he calls Charlie a wallflower as a term of endearment. Patrick calls Charlie a wallflower during the party that Patrick, Sam, and Charlie go to after the homecoming game.
What does Charlie mean when he says Infinite?
Charlie feels “infinite” in this moment because he feels free, rather than constrained by the constant pressures and trauma of his past and his repressed memories. The laughter expresses giddiness and joy that are new emotions for Charlie.
What page does Charlie say infinite? On the way to the party, Sam and Patrick drive through a tunnel and listen to the radio. After the song is over, Charlie says, “I feel infinite” (1.10. 37).
Why did Charlie say his aunt was his favorite person?
Charlie’s aunt Helen was his “favorite person in the whole world” (1.1. 26). … He thinks it’s because she died in a car accident on Charlie’s seventh birthday when she went to buy his birthday present. He thinks it’s because he’s guilty for her death.
What did Charlie’s aunt did to him? What Charlie does not realize until the end of the book is that his Aunt Helen molested him when he was a child. We also find out that Charlie’s Aunt Helen was molested by a family friend a long time ago. Because she never resolved her own abuse, she let that cycle of abuse continue and became an abuser herself.
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