Who is the best Pokegirl?

  • Dawn (She is sooo cute and so friendly. Also she is a good battler inspite of being more involved in contests. Best pokegirl 4ever!)
  • May (She is really sweet too but a bit ditzy)
  • Misty (Misty is awesome)
  • Iris.
  • Serena (Worst.

Does Brock like Misty?

Misty does not get along with them very well, but that does not stop Brock from falling in love with all three. … While in the series it is never touched on that Brock has a crush on Misty, he sure does have a thing for her three older sisters.

then What is the girl’s name in Pokémon?

Misty is Ash’s first ever traveling companion, She is a 10-year-old Pokémon trainer who journeys with him throughout the first five seasons covering two whole regions, Kanto and Johto which makes her the only female companion to do so.

Is Serena the prettiest Pokegirl? There are uncountable resons to say that serena is the best pokegirl. Her character development, skills, peaceful behaviour, lovely look, caring habit, her performances, her improvement. These are some resons to love serena.

Who is the most beautiful Pokegirl in Pokémon?

Out of all the pokegirls, Serena is absolutely the prettiest one and she is a very kind one.

Who married Ash in Pokémon? Ash begins to develop his own personal feelings for Serena, even giving her a special gift in episode 59 of Pokémon XY, when they are both beside the pledging tree. The gift he gives her is a special blue ribbon that she then wears as part of her outfit for the rest of XY&Z starting in Episode 60.

Is Brock’s Croagunk a girl? Croagunk was Brock’s first Pokémon with both his gender and Ability confirmed. Croagunk was featured in a promotional C-Gear in Japan to celebrate DPS02, the anime special featuring Brock.

Who is Brock’s true love? That partner is Olivia, a girl who had many boy troubles in the past. In screenshots captured from the preview, we see Olivia blushing and Brock seducing Olivia. The Pokemon Sun & Moon episode featuring Brock and Olivia airs December 23, 2018 and January 6, 2019 in Japan.

Does may love Drew?

While Drew and May get flustered, they still seem close. Though they never are confirmed as a couple, the show does seem to hint that something is going on between them.

Who is the best Pokegirl for Ash?

  • In this episode when two friends are meet together that time ash say Misty that they live friendship like those.

Which is the cutest Pokemon?

Top 20 cutest Pokemon in the Pokedex

  • Sylveon. Most of the Eeveelutions that have appeared throughout Pokemon so far turn the adorable Eevee into creatures that are more ‘cool’ than cute, but one of them deserves a place on our list: Sylveon. …
  • Togepi. …
  • Helioptile. …
  • Munchlax. …
  • Vulpix. …
  • Piplup. …
  • Squirtle. …
  • Rockruff.

Why did Serena cut her hair? Earlier in the episode she lost the showcase so her cutting her hair symbolizes her determination towards her performances. Its a sign of Serena’s devotion to Ash. He gave her a ribbon at the promise tree so Serena decided to cut her hair and wear the ribbon as a sign of devotion.

Who does Mallow like?

Tsareena is Mallow’s Pokémon partner and one of her closest friends. Mallow had Tsareena since she was little and during her time as a Bounsweet. Mallow cares very much about Tsareena and is very protective of her.

Why did Lillie leave alola?

They part ways when Lillie and Sophocles left Alola as she was on a journey with her family to look for her long lost father while he left to make his dream a reality in Hoenn with his cousin, Moylane, accompanying him.

Which Pokegirl has best relationship with Pikachu? Which of the Pokegirls had the best relationship with Pikachu?

  • Misty. Votes: 34 58.6%
  • May. Votes: 2 3.4%
  • Dawn. Votes: 9 15.5%
  • Iris. Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Serena. Votes: 8 13.8%
  • Lillie. Votes: 5 8.6%
  • Lana. Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mallow. Votes: 0 0.0%

Who is the cutest Pokemon? Top 20 cutest Pokemon in the Pokedex

  • Sylveon. Most of the Eeveelutions that have appeared throughout Pokemon so far turn the adorable Eevee into creatures that are more ‘cool’ than cute, but one of them deserves a place on our list: Sylveon. …
  • Togepi. …
  • Helioptile. …
  • Munchlax. …
  • Vulpix. …
  • Piplup. …
  • Squirtle. …
  • Rockruff.

Who is Ash’s bestfriend?

1 Pikachu Will Always Be Ash’s Closest & Most Loyal Friend

Being his trusted companion and friend over Ash’s entire Pokémon journey, through thick and thin, Pikachu is always there to either fight fiercely for him or to support him in any other aspects of everyday life.

Will Serena meet Ash again? Also, Serena elaborated by asking Ash what he would like to get as a gift as she pointed out that his Pokémon do take after him. After meeting up Clemont, Bonnie and all their Pokémon, Serena later met up with Ash again when he returned from preparing his gift.

Does may love Ash?

Remember that Ash and May are a couple in the Love when we saw in previous episodes. Ash rescue to May with Torchic, rebuilding the trust between Ash and May, allowing them to work together to free Pikachu. This is the best result for both Ash and May. …

Does Brock’s Onix evolve? As Steelix

When Brock returned to Pewter City, he discovered that his Onix had evolved into Steelix as he grips his trainer as a reunion and Brock recognizes him and became mostly pleased to his younger brother, Forrest for taking care of his Pokémon and letting his Onix to evolve.

What happened to Brocks Croagunk?

Croagunk was once seriously injured by Toxicroak, who smashed him through a skylight and then stabbed him in the stomach with one of its claws.

Does Brock’s Happiny evolve? While on the boat to Twinleaf Town, Brock’s Happiny evolved into Chansey while trying help a Pichu. It is currently unknown if Chansey has kept the strength it had as a Happiny but it knows the move Softboiled which it used to heal the Pokémon on the boat.

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