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Who has Clarke slept with?

Who has Clarke slept with?

Clarke kisses Niylah and they have sex. In Wanheda (Part 2), Niylah is seen being beaten and thrown around inside her trading post by Roan’s partner. The Grounder wants to know where Wanheda, Clarke, is.

Then, Who does Clarke fall in love with?

Lexa protected Clarke from A.L.I.E.’s Cult, and Clarke declared her love for Lexa before they were forced to part ways once more. Clarke continued to mourn Lexa long after her death. Josephine Lightbourne, for example, noted in “Nevermind” that Clarke still cried when she thought of Lexa, six years since her death.

simply so, Who did Clarke love the most?

The relationship between Clarke and Bellamy is a strong one, forged through friendship and trust. Although these two aren’t a romantic couple in the show, their relationship is one of the most beloved by fans of The 100, who hoped to see these two follow the path of their characters in the books in at least one way.

Who is the father of Clarke’s daughter?

Clarke Griffin
Species Human
Gender Female
Occupation Co-leader of The 100 (formerly) Medical student (formerly)
Family Novels Dr. David Griffin (father) Dr. Mary Griffin (mother) Television Jake Griffin (father) Dr. Abigail “Abby” Griffin (mother) Madi Griffin (adoptive daughter)

Who does Clarke have a baby with?

The next morning, Clarke found Madi spearfishing in a nearby creek, but Madi once again runs away from her. Later, Clarke manages to lure Madi by drawing an image of her. Over the next six years, Madi and Clarke’s relationship continues to develop and they form a daughter-mother bond.

How does Bellamy know Echo?

They met in the Season Two episode, “Coup de Grace”. Echo immediately distrusted Bellamy and spat in his face because he was Sky People. But, when she saw that he killed Sgt. Lovejoy she eventually believed his story that he was there to help everyone escape Mount Weather.

Who does Octavia end up with?

11 Best: Octavia & Diyoza

These two meet on opposite ends of a war for the planet, but end up having to survive, just the two of them and Diyoza’s daughter Hope, on a planet away from everyone else they know. During that time, they’re a family. They parent Hope together.

Does Bellamy ever kiss Clarke?

Bellamy tries to convince her they did what was necessary, but Clarke just can’t not think about it and look at all of the people she saved every day, knowing how she got them there. Clarke then kisses Bellamy on the cheek then hugs him, telling him to take care of everyone.

Who did Octavia Love in the 100?

Octavia was the lover of Lincoln. She embraced Grounder culture early on having never felt a part of the Sky People due to the circumstances of her birth, opting to wear Grounder clothing as well as applying Grounder war paint and getting at least one tattoo.

Is Kane Bellamy’s dad?

Kane is not Bellamy’s dad.

Is Wells Jaha death?

He was murdered by Charlotte in the third episode, who wanted retribution for her parents’ execution on the Ark by his father. His death set the stage for Clarke and Bellamy to work together as co-leaders in an attempt to stop more senseless deaths.

Who is Bellamy Blake’s girlfriend?

Gina Martin was a minor character in the third season. She was portrayed by Leah Gibson and debuted in Wanheda (Part 1). Gina was one of the residents of Arkadia and went on supply runs to Mount Weather. Gina was Bellamy’s girlfriend and brought him a present from her last supply run.

Are Bellamy and Clarke married in real life?

Eliza Taylor and Bob Morley star alongside each other on The 100 as Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake, respectively. On June 7, 2019, Taylor announced via Twitter that she and Morley had married. The pair are very private about their relationship.

Is Echo a Nightblood?

In “Ashes to Ashes”, Abby succeeds and Echo is transformed into a Nightblood by Ryker Desai.

Are Echo and Raven sisters?

In A Little Sacrifice, while talking Echo down from genocide, Raven calls Echo her sister. Raven is able to get through to Echo and the two share a hug.

Who is Clarks love interest in the 100?

Instead, Clarke went on to find love and loss with Lexa (Alycia Debnam-Carey), and Raven … well, Raven’s had her heart broken pretty constantly since Season 2.

Who is Clarke’s love interest in the 100?

Instead, Clarke went on to find love and loss with Lexa (Alycia Debnam-Carey), and Raven … well, Raven’s had her heart broken pretty constantly since Season 2.

Is Finn actually dead in the 100?

Finn Collins was a major character in the first and second seasons. He was portrayed by starring cast member Thomas McDonell and debuted in the series premiere. Finn was a tracker for the 100. He was killed in “Spacewalker”.

Do Octavia and Lincoln stay together?

In “Unity Day” they have now become lovers and later Lincoln takes an arrow for Octavia, saving her life. He saves her life again in “We Are Grounders (Part 2)” when Bellamy gives him his blessing to take Octavia away in the midst of battle because of the arrow in her leg.

Why does Echo have black blood the 100?

In retaliation, Echo was chosen to become the new host for Simone after Abby Griffin developed a means to continue the mind-transfer process by harvesting bone marrow from her adopted granddaughter Madi due to her Nightblood, blackened, radiation resistant blood necessary for a successful transfer.

Is Finn really dead in the 100?

No, Finn was killed off for good by the writers of The 100.

Speaking about Finn’s death, The 100 showrunner Jason Rothenberg had told Entertainment Tonight: “We were trying to figure out the most emotionally impactful way to do it…

Did Mark Antony marry Octavia?

Octavia, byname Octavia Minor, (born c. 69 bc—died 11 bc), full sister of Octavian (later the emperor Augustus) and wife of Mark Antony. … On the death of Marcellus in 40 she was married to Mark Antony, who at the time was ruling the Roman state with Octavian and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus.

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