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What Zodiac is Caroline Forbes?

What Zodiac is Caroline Forbes?

Leo: Caroline Forbes

Leos are also brave and take pride in accomplishments.

What Zodiac is Elena Gilbert?

Elena Gilbert is a Cancer zodiac sign, which belongs to the Water element of astrology, along with Pisces and Scorpio. The symbol of Cancer is a crab, which represents a protective nature. As a Cancer zodiac sign, Elena is highly intuitive.

Also What is Elena Gilbert’s birthday?

Elena was born on June 22, 1992, in Mystic Falls and lived there peacefully for 17 years, with her parents, Miranda and Grayson Gilbert, as well as with her brother, Jeremy.

What is Elijah Mikaelson birthday? Elijah Mikaelson was an Original Vampire and the brother of Freya, Finn, Niklaus, Kol, Rebekah and Henrik.

Elijah Mikaelson
Biographical Information
Born 977/978 A.D.
Turned By Esther Mikaelson through the immortality spell in Autumn 1001
Died 2026

Is Stefan a Gemini?

The Vampire Diaries Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Jenna: His name is Stefan Salvatore. He’s a Gemini and his favorite color is blue.

Which Disney princess is Aquarius? Merida from Brave

Merida is the ultimate Aquarius type. She is free-spirited and does not let others tell her what to do. She’s also uniquely different from those around her—not to mention unpredictable!

Is Klaus a Scorpio? Scorpio: Klaus Mikaelson

Just like people of the Scorpio sign, he’s obsessive and quite distrusting, as he proves in the first season mostly – especially when he gets obsessed with being the King of the city. Klaus is extremely violent and jealous, too.

Who is Elena’s doppelganger? Much of Elena’s story revolves around her relationships with vampires Stefan Salvatore and his older brother, Damon. It is revealed that Elena is a Petrova Doppelgänger, which is thus responsible for her being identical to her ancestor, Katherine Pierce (née Katerina Petrova).

How old is Damon in TVD?

When Damon was turned into a vampire, he was 25 years old, and since The Vampire Diaries seemingly takes place in real time – therefore, beginning in 2009 – that means Damon was 170 years old when the series started; he was 178 years old when the show ended.

How old is Alaric? Alaric J. “Ric” Saltzman is a main character of The Vampire Diaries. He is a former recurring character of first half of Season One, Season Four and Season Five.


Borm February 4, 1976 (Boston; Age 42 )
Source TVD Wikipedia

What is Niklaus Mikaelson birthday?

Klaus was presensted Katherine as a “birthday gift” in 1492… I’m making the assumption they threw this party around the time of his actual birthday. Katherine turned April 6, 1492. So somewhere between January and April 6 1492 is his B-day.

What is Rebekah Mikaelson’s birthday?

Rebekah Mikaelson
Biographical Information
Born June 11, 983 (Mystic Falls, Age 18/1047+)
Turned In November 1001 by Esther Mikaelson (Through the Immortality Spell)
Status Undead

What is Stefan Salvatore birthday?

Stefan Salvatore was born on November 1, 1847 and raised in Mystic Falls, Virginia to Giuseppe Salvatore and Lily Salvatore. Stefan is the younger brother of Damon. The Salvatore brothers, Stefan and Damon, were human.

Is Katherine Pierce Scorpio?

5 Scorpio – Katherine Pierce.

What’s Stefan Salvatore’s birthday? Early History. Young Stefan with his mother Lillian Stefan Salvatore was born on November 1st, 1846, on Veritas Estate in what would eventually become the town known as Mystic Falls, Virginia.

What Zodiac is Tiana? Gemini (May 21-June 20), Tiana.

What Zodiac is Moana?

Leo: Moana

But as much as she loves her island, family, and even the prospect of becoming chief, she just can’t ignore the pull of the ocean.

Is Elsa a Scorpio? As a Scorpio, Elsa is a resourceful, passionate, and brave character when she breaks free and lets go of all of her stress and secrets.

What is Katherine Pierce birthday?

: Катерина Петрова) was born into a noble and wealthy Bulgarian family on June 5, 1473.

Is Alaric Klaus? Alaric/Klaus takes Elena and Bonnie away and reveals them that he is Klaus.

Is Katherine Elena’s great grandmother?

Katherine and Elena are related because they belong to the Petrova bloodline. Katherine is the ancestor of Elena and they both are each other’s doppelgangers not only her the line of known Petrova doppelgangers are Amara,Tatia, Katherine and Elena. Katherine is like her great great great great grandmother.

Who is Katherine’s baby daddy? In the season four finale of The Vampire Diaries, Graduation, Katherine slept with Niklaus Mikaelson and conceived her daughter, Adyelya.

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