What is the evil girl Smurfs name?

Sassette Smurfling

Like Smurfette, Sassette was evil at first as she was created using Gargamel’s original spell, but with a Smurf-sized lump of magical blue clay.

Then, Is Smurfette related to the other Smurfs?

A Granny Smurf was also later introduced, although it is unclear how she was created. Thierry Culliford, the son of the comics’ creator, Peyo, and current head of the Studio Peyo, announced in 2008 that more female Smurfs would be introduced in the stories.

Species Smurf

simply so, Who is Smurfette’s dad?

Within the Smurf Village, Papa Smurf is considered the father figure of every Smurf due to his leadership role. However, younger Smurfs are set to later become fathers as the series progresses. Gargamel considers himself the father of Smurfette because he is her original creator.

Why does Gargamel hate the Smurfs? He then furiously promised that he would find the Smurfs no matter what and have his revenge. Unbeknownst to Gargamel though, the boulder was actually dropped by his future self who had traveled back in time to crush the Smurfs, hence making Gargamel’s hatred for the Smurfs his own fault.

Is Papa Smurf the dad?

Papa is the practical village leader and the father figure of 100 or so young Smurfs.

Do the Smurfs have a mother?

Janine Devroye “Mother” Smurfette is a character that is part of the HERO: The Guardian Smurf story series.

Mother Smurfette (Hero Stories)

Mother Smurfette
Also Known As Janine Devroye Smurfette (“birth” name)
Gender Female
Race Smurf
Nationality Belgian

What is Smurfette’s power?

As discussed in Smurfs: The Lost Village Smurfette can harness and release energy due to the fact that she, herself, is made of magical components.

Where did the Smurflings come from?

Origins. The boy Smurflings were originally adult Smurfs who were de-aged to around 50 years old due to Father Time’s backwards-running grandfather clock. Their unique outfits were picked out by themselves, much to Tailor Smurf’s disapproval.

Who are baby Smurfs parents?

Papa Smurf has made it clear that all Smurfs are responsible for Baby Smurf. Although Baby can be seen looked after by various Smurfs at any given time, Papa Smurf is the prime guardian and it is at Papa’s house where Baby’s crib is. Sassette Smurfling can once in a while be seen with Baby as well.

What is the name of Gargamel’s bird?

Monty is a character who appears as the tertiary antagonist in Smurfs: The Lost Village film. He is Gargamel’s pet vulture, who helps his master chase and collect Smurfs in order to extract Smurf essence from them in order for Gargamel to become the most powerful sorcerer in the world.

How do you turn Smurfs into gold?

In “All That Glitters Isn’t Smurf”, Papa Smurf used Gargamel’s lust for gold against him by creating a mountain of fake gold coins using locks of Smurfette’s hair. Gargamel did succeed once in turning Smurfs into gold in the episode “To Coin A Smurf”. He turned Brainy, Grandpa, and Sassette into gold coins.

Who is Nanny Smurf?

Nanny Smurf better known as Granny Smurf is the elderly female Smurf and an major character from the Smurfs series and in the comics. She is one of the main protagonists from the comics and TV Cartoon series The Smurfs. … Nanny Smurf is an older Smurfette who was imprisoned in the haunted house called Castle Captor.

What is the Black Smurfs name?

A Black Smurf is a character that originally appeared in the European Smurf comic book story “The Black Smurfs” (Les Schtroumpfs Noirs in French), which later became “The Purple Smurfs” when it was adapted to English.

Black Smurf
Gender Both Genders
Race Smurf
Occupation Mutation
Alignment Evil

Who is Papa’s wife?

Lillithina Smurfette (Empath stories)

Lillithina Smurfette
Gender Female
Race Smurf
Nationality Smurf Village, unknown clan
Occupation Papa Smurf’s wife, mother of Empath and Brainy

How are the Smurfs born?

Smurfs are primarily a single-gender race that are generally born male (though Smurfs do not physically reproduce, they do come into the world by a stork that delivers them to the Smurf Village from an unknown location); very few Smurfs are female, and those that are are most likely magical creations rather than …

Why is the Smurfs blue?

In French, they were called “les Schtroumpfs,” a reference to a dinner during which Culliford, who couldn’t remember the term for salt, asked his table mate to pass the “schtroumpf.” Culliford’s wife, the Belgian colorist Janine Culliford, was the person who gave the Smurfs their iconic blue color, according to The …

Is Papa Smurf Smurfettes dad?

Within the Smurf Village, Papa Smurf is considered the father figure of every Smurf due to his leadership role. However, younger Smurfs are set to later become fathers as the series progresses. Gargamel considers himself the father of Smurfette because he is her original creator.

What was Smurfette’s original name?

Name Translation of Smurfette

Smurfette (original French name Schtroumpfette) is one of the main characters of the Smurfs comic book series and cartoon show.

Where did Grandpa Smurf come from?

Grandpa Smurf was originally the Papa Smurf of the current Papa Smurf when he was just a Smurfling. He previously made a 500-year journey around the world in an attempt to find the purest samples of the four primal elements in order to restore power to the Long Life Stone.

How old is Sassette?

In her debut episode on the cartoon show, Sassette has a terrible singing voice. However, her singing voice got better in many other episodes. In the French dub, she sounds a bit masculine and hardly feminine. Her age in human years is Between 8-11 years old.

Who created Sassette?

Sassette Smurfling is one of the Smurflings who appeared in The Little Smurfs episode, she was created by Smurflings who had used the Smurfette creation from Gargamel who hates the Smurfs.


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